HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335102920 DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSOR"S PLAT -LAKE CUSHMAN EASTS I DE # I # ACREAGE laI..2lD~Ic;t/I~~ql ..,1..\ I YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER t--u------- iCity of Tacoma ! __ _ ,______ _ -.Y!~&., ,';,:.o?-;-'~){.)(J.r.;..~''''''' 5/75l__ f~7':~c. :<~- - , 00 I u----l- + I , , I -- - .1---- ----I YEAR 1 TIDELAND ACREAGE ~NIMPROVED IMPROVED /,-'/} _s; J.5.. . --1--- -~-_...-- - - -1---- CONTRACT TO: Lake Cushman Co. Darv I J. C. Duane TOTAL McClelland fl I Carver et ux (J net S 1008 I TIDELAND - RD SC 2 404 -40"1 UNIMPROVED LOT 27-C BLK 2 SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS .: (. L/ I AFFIDAVIT PT UD fD' HD CD SALES $ H 3 1+ z ) 18 H L 18 u L F-z.' #4367i VALUATION IMPROVED B Of E TOTAL BUILDING d.l =<''::'>C) ,:J':) 5(/,) ;25 J06 II)" / (jot, (Tr. C of SP #34) Comm. at the SE corner of said lot 27, which corner is also the SE corner of said NW NE; thence N 04027'01" E along the Eline of said lot 27 and of said NW NE 190.24' to the pob; thence N 82050'05" W 466.58' to the E boundary of the Lake Cushman Rd.; thence N 03025'00" E along said boundary 210.48' to the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 1450'; thence Nly along said boundary and along said curve to the right through a central angle of 3013'32" an arc distnace of 81.63'; thence S 70045'00" E 485.13' to the Eline of said lot 27 and of said sub.; thence S 04027'01" W along said Eline 190.24' to the pob.