HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335102919 ... DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSOR"S PLAT-LAKE CUSHMAN EASTSIDE # I LOT 27-B BLK 2 # ACREAGE ~..3I ~.:31. cst- Ad 1~-91/ 19'1 .~. _'=-_.,._="~_, _________ ft~"_.-." SEC TWP RGE YEAR AUD_ TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: +-m> SC DISTRICTS~ I. L/ _: AFFIDAVIT PT UD FD HD CDI SALES $ - --...--- --- --------- - - . ------, ---------- u__ ____ ___ _~ ___ . !City of Tacoma , 9j71 Y329~_ jBfU3..x l.D7.flwIUJ""'+ 8/76. 1,~"'oO se 177U a, ~- i 4?.g.z2~ ----J-DP"-,f.t-f--~~ _~J.oo9 I 0 n~t~-~-L - , I -t-----T -i ~--L Lake Cushman Ce. 2 404 H 3 18 H L Daryl J. McCI~lland e u (Arl ne L. John B. Bjork et ux ( Pa line .1 #49~62UU fl I -4o~ 11-1 '" '" Ll L~7- IbV f .- ___ -----I--- , ACREAGE VALUATION -;EAR [TIDELAND 7C7 _~I UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING B OF E TOTAL / t=---j ,?.0t'~ 8~ ------I-- ---- -+-- - - ~-?2'10( ---1-- --I - +- I /0" /O()S CTr. B of SP # 34) Comm. at the SE corner of said lot 27, which corner is also the SE corner of said NW NE; thence N 04027'01" E along the Eline of said lot 27 and of said NW NE 380.48' to the pob; thence continuing N 04027'01" E along said Eline 324.14'; thence N 85036'09" W 453.76' to the Ely boundary of Lake Cushman Rd; thence S 09015'00" W along said Ely boundary 134.41' to the beginning of a curve to the left with a radius of 1450'; thence Sly along said boundary and along said curve through a central angle of 2036'28" an arc distance of 66'; thence S 70045'00" E 485.13' to the pob.