HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335102914 , DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN EASTSIDE #1 # _I!!l~ ~ JI3r~filO~ ql J..b!i I ACREAGE YEAR AUD, TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: fRO I ---- - - -- -T , 74 __ _ CITY OF TACOMA iI' 11/74 365492 Robert E. Whitten et Lx 5/. -- /r;;/~~---:s7i ' ...-'n 0"., ( A. n- II n 1, /. /5'5 'I.3ft'.;L1 :.:s;" ru, 'Va.. '?l?,,,,,'/.. 1bA'J'.I'LL<l..-or- v. --;----~-----. _ _____ ( /;253..__ --+---- ----- ------- -- r --t I I ACREAGE -Y~R 1 TIDELAND ~ UNIMPROVED --- - I --. ---~--'~I'-'-'-- , I , , I I LOT 25-E BlK 2 SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS AfFIDAVIT ... sc ,f~VIlfTol HDc~-l SALES $ = 404 I H I 3 18 H L FZ I ! I Rae) +----137084 Y;--Y/.;lS- <L 'i- . .5""'0 ~/-- -~- 1ALUATION TIDElAND , UNIMPROVED 'IMPROVED BUILDING B OF E TOTAL IMPROVED TOTAL , --- -j I ~-I ----+ -- -- - -----,- , . . -- - f-- , -----i- _on - -f- I --L---- , i --- ----j I I --r------f------ +--. Tract 4-B of Short Plat #1416: That ptn of Tr 25, Blk 2, Assessors Plat of Lake Cushman Eastside No.1 as recorded in Vol. 9 of Plats, pg 110, being also described as Tr 4 of Short Plat #7, recorded May 20, 1974 under AF# 289326, daf: Commencing at the most Wly corner of Lt 27, Plat of Lake Cushman No. 11 recorded in Vol. 8 of Plats, pgs 36-38; th N 33041' 55"E alg the NWly line of Lt 27, 189'; th N 31003'20"E 18.72' to TPOB; th N 31003'20" 188.43'; th N 87000'29"E 170.85' to the Wly margin of Lake Cushman Rd; th N 17024' OO"E alg sd Wly margin 11.15' to POB of a curve to the left from which the center bears N 72036'OO"W 170'; th alg'sd curve through a central angle of 7055'00" to the center of a small stream; th leaving sd Wly margin of Lake Cushman Rd go Nly and Wly alg the center of sd stream to the 742' contour line above sea level. Sd elevation shall be determined by reference to the brongze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam 110. 1 near the Ely side of sd dam, which bronze plaque has engraved the figures U.S.G.S. J-32; sd plaque is placed at elevation of 741.50' above sea level; th Sly alg sd 742' contour line tap which is N 50000'00"W from POB; th S 50000'OO"E 250' +- to POB. EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND: (See AF# 439370) Commencing at the most Wly corner of Lt 25, Plat of Lake Cushman #11, as recorded in Vol. 8 of Plats, pgs 36-38, both included, records of Mason County, Wa; th N 31003' 20"E 18.72' to TPOB; th N 47042'34"W 250' + - to the 742. contour line above sea level. Sd elevation determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushm2n Dam NO. 1 near the Ely side of sd dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures U.S.G.S. J-32 and for the purposes of this reference it is understood that sd plaque is placed at the elevation of 741.50' above sea level; th Sly alg sd contour line to a point N50000'00"W from FOB; th S 50000'00"E to POB; the above described parcel of land is not to be further subdivided without the approval of the Mason County Planning Dept. (To be added to Lot 4-A cf Short Plat #1416)