HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335102913 , DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN EASTSIDE 111 LOT 25-D BLK 2 # ACREAGE 1t16121 I :; Lrt ,-14_~ .,1.1\3 I SEC TWP RGE YEAR AUD. TITlE HOLDER DISTRICTS ' CONTRACT TO: ,'. RIlLSC-iPTlUD I FD ,HD . c~l ~~t?/) ~1 1404 IH 13 18 H I L F: Robert E. Whitten a.-,L,r, I Rae h. ill M,' 71. '7".. J".2Jf7u ~<; ~ L '\ ,/ AFFIDAVIT SALES S 74 CITY OF TACOMA -- 439370 Bdy-lIneaoJust . 11/74 365492 (.f. - - -- -- --- -- _:::z 3 C f - ~/,' 1-;1{ ~, r. - It jJ.b...!iS.3_C,.:il~ u -, / ~ It' 0 #37084 '>< ~fo~f;.1, I_~~_- -+-- -- -- --- --- --- -~ I -l. I I , -- --- , I 'IALUATlON , ---- B OF E IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL - -,------ I ACREAGE . Y~~~ 1=T1DELA!!D.... _+ UNIMPROVED I i - I- I --t-------t- ___+_ m . - --- T i ------t-- ------._--1---- . -- -1--- I --+- , , I I -r--.-+--~--- Tract 4-A of Short Plat #1416: That ptn of Tr 25, Blk 2, Assessor's Plat of Lake Cushman Eastside No.1 as recorded inVol. 9 of Plats, pg 110, being also described as Tr 4 of Short Plat #7, recorded 5-20-74 under AF# 289326, daf: Commencing at the most Wly corner of Lt 27, Plat of Lake Cushman #11 recorded in Vol. 8 of Plats, pgs 36-38; th N 33041' 55"E alg the NWly line of sd Lot 27, 82.72' to TPOB; th N 33041'55"E 125'; th N 50000'00"W 250' +- to the 742' contour line above sea level. Sd elevation determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the Ely side of sd dam, which plaque has engraved the figures U.S.G.S. J-32, and for the purposes of this reference it is understood that sd plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50 above sea level; th Sly alg sd contour line tap N 50000'00"W from POB and which point is also the most Nly point of Tr 3 of Short Plat #7; th S 50000'00"E alg the N line of sd Tr 3, 220' +- to POB. ALSO BY QCD AF# 439370: (Bolmdary line adjustment) Commencing at the most Wly corner of Lt 25, Plat of Lake Cushman #11 as recorded in Vol. 8 of Plats, pg 36- 38, records of Mason County Washington; th N 31003' 20"E 18.72' to POB; th N 47042'34"W 250' + - to the 742.00 contour line above sea level. Said elevation determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam NO. 1 near the Ely side of sd dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures U.S.G.S J-32 and for the purposes of this reference it is under- stood that sd plaque is placed at the elevation of 741.50' above sea level; th Sly alg sd contour line to a point N 50000'00"W from POB; th S 50000'00"E to POB; The above described parcel of land is not to be further subdivided without the approval of Mason County Planning Dept.