HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335101901 . DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSOR'S PLAT - lAKE CUSHMAi.'\! EASTSIDE # 1 lOT 2-C BlK 1 41= ACREAGE 1,/1 "lL31 L~ lid I/19fol/l SEC TWP RGE --_._-~~..,----- DISTRICTS AffIDAVIT YEAR AUD, TITLE HOlOER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FO HD CD SAlES S n~c=cc'~=c===t. Sf I 74 ! CITY OF TACO'1A 1 404 H 3 18 H L FZ 1: -:-Pl!3o(p~ Y;-,~ rf/k/1n',fA .01- ,A I. k<. ~) TlL/r.3n ...Lltt_f.-3 / 0 f,-/ f,- l.'T' nv- --- - , _.-. I nT" - --l I _.-- .----- - . . - __ o. I - --- I , ~ ACREAGE '/AlUATION B DF E YEAR TIOELANO UNIMPROVEO IMPROVEO TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 1.:- /.0"/ 1.07 -' .- --- f-- . , - Tract e of SP# 966 et al: Marion R. & Beatrice Hatfield Ronald K. & Adell Pullen That ptn of Lt 2, Blk 1 of Assessor's Plat of rake Cushrran-Eastside No.1 as recorded in Vol. 9 of Plats, pgs 110-126, daf: Beginning at a point on the E line of sd Lt 2, S 6016'08"E 166.12' from the NE corner of sd IDt; th S 6016' 08"E alg sd E line 166.13'; th W 236.77' to the ell of an existing road; th N 22011' 56"W alg sd ell 87.20'; th W alg sd elL 54.15' to interseet the Ely nargin of rake Cushrran Rd at a point on a curve from which the center lies S 88010'15"W and 330' distant; th Nly alg sd rd nargin alg sd curve to the left through a eental angle of IP41'15"an are distanee of 67.31' tap of tangency; th N 130 31'00"W alg sd rd margin 18.31'; th E 318.98' to POB.