HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335101005 ... DESCRIPTION: 41= YEAR AUO, __74 bin 'II'! -- ----+--- , ---t- VEAR ---- - : : - f , --- , , . - . -- , =r --t --t - I j ----r- PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN EASTSIDE #1 ACREAGE .~.I,~.a_~~ ~I ~~ ~.atl/ ~~ TITLE HOLDER lOT 5 BlK J SEC TWP RGE CONTRACT TO: .:..._ _. DISTRICTS~ .f':l.' AFFIDAVIT , RD T - SC : PT I UO I FD I HD I CD ; 1 SALES S --j=- u1 .~l.TY OF TACQW, _ . Ifs/U,~,.,,: 533 .s.L.1.L '.A...' , ":: ,_ UNIMPROVE01_IMPROVED --..-- f- TIOELANO I --+- I I ~ t I ACREAGE I + - ---n--------l u----t I ---------+ -r------ .;. 'I:J !.M<L IIc~'/i:Vc "/-.c G --tt2 I ~, - ----I ---1-- , --t.- --. TOTAL TIDElANO --+ ! , ------t-------- -- --T- .;. -.- --+ i -- -+------~---.- t .j. t ------------j- , , ---- - +- '-T I: I: I II; --1-. 1 j~=-- 1. .. ....J ! -~ 2 AD4 H 'I 1'1 H L ~I I LJO'-! 1-1 ,,<: 11$ fl L F2 '/AlUATION UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED BUllOING : --- ---- .-- _. --- "" 35-;;)9'7 B OF E TOTAL That ptn of the E 1/2 of SE, 29-23-4 W,W.M. Mason Co. Wa daf: CommeEcing at the E 1/4 corr,er of sd section; th S 6016' 08" E along the Eline of sd Section 2115.44' to the TPOB; th cont' S 6016'08" E along 8d Eline 532.51'; th N 52044'55" W 625.90'; th N 67005'48" W 291.35'; th N 79043'18" W 154.87' to intersect the Ely margin of Co. Rd #260 at a pnt on a curve from which the center lies S 79043'18" E 220.00', sd rd being 60' in width; th Nly along sd rd margin & a.long sd curve to the right through a central angle of 22052'18" an arc distance of 87.82' to a pnt of tangency; tb N 33009'00" E along sd rd margin 20.00' th S 83049'58" E 822.37' to the E line of sd section & the TPOB.