HomeMy WebLinkAbout423315002924 DESCRIPTION: PLAT iF ACREAGE YEAR AUD. 10/78 _3JJ411 I ~ _ L______~ __In___~ i ! i I , 1- - -- YEAR TIDELAND ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN WESTS IDE #1 mr;;-r.;riC- .... .. ~T;;r~ ~~~ TITLE HOLDER CITY OF TACOMA /OdD ACREAGE UNIMPROVED IMPROVED CONTRACT TO: Bruce A Gorham Julie A Bullard "I'I~ ' .' -. ." <" I , F,.~'. -'., ,}(,-.~jc... TOTAL TIDELAND IiD- - SC 1 404 UNIMPROVED LOT 13-C SEC TWP DISTRICTS PT UD FD HD CD H 3 H 'IALUATION IMPROVED BUILDING L F BLK 2 RGE AFFIDAVIT SALES $ 1150490 wop B OF E TOTAL (Parcel C of S.P.#80) That ptn of Lot 13, Bl 2, Assessor's Plat of Lk Cushman-Wests ide #1, Vol 9 pgs 88-95, records of A. Ma Co, Wa, lying Ely of the cll of the established access rd over & across sd Lot 13 as shown upon aforesaid plat & Nly of a line drawn parallel with & 125' Sly of the N line of sd Lot 13; together with an esmt for ingress & egress to Lk Cushman over & across a strip of land la' in width lying Sly of, adjacent to, contiguous with the Sly boundary line of the above descr premises; & extending the entire length thereof,