HomeMy WebLinkAbout423315002016 .. PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN WESTS IDE #1 DESCRIPTION: # fi~~j,:2.k11~: ACREAGE YEAR AUD. 1 /77-- /,L&~"f/6 74 377t?~/ TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC LOT 16 SEC TWP DISTRICTS 3 (. 3 PT UD FD HD CD --- . illTY.oILTAC1JMA..._ [Q >0 /,1'" . I J. 4 _ t ') ADA U .. 1+ ."? I u IT. i-I '- 02. 1..-"'4 __ ,_ . - ":-:1- -- iJ.(J ~I I '-lOLl 7[ 4L"t'd/7 f ~ . , (" . VI - (1., J. 1/ ,) ;7f 372~.t-h-- ' . 1'C:'., 0"'A J;'- v-?>~ (I). )I?~, S-J... 107''':- ":.'....l .r,r,..-{" P2:rt.f ~ ~ J 1;0. _\. ;80 3770;>-3 .':. c' L .J..'d.L~_ J ' _~_...:._ Id.;., . E:"".A:.vr ...:rtJ.I(;('/ I) '0;;; 39(P'?Sa. r"':.I_c>~ :. n". rl" %10 Sf5'dl-f..W':i' /Q'1~f'5z...::>'!..f!:!:'0;>'f If / I, ~~ ") lP " t -- JOUJ I - ;-- , , , , -~.!.- ACREAGE YEAR -1- TIDELAND 77. j_____ 7.P , 71 t ~,l , " 'IALUATlON BLK 2 RGE AFFIDAVIT SALES $ -J;ZgSlf #- (P ",;:;"" " ,;/~ "po '# t:nf' 1// d..... -4f"..!'::.-S- DeO ~ 7~OY5- . <',4. Ir.;~~ A.. :.4 IMPROVED TOTAL 8 OF E TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL UNIMPROVED 1 -t ----1--- -- -1--- , --t-- -- , I - j . , I -c--- CoP,;' 7,,-~/-~'-_ ,? :;,[ t'- , /~ (" ,) /(), 'Iff' -+'t; (-:"" i . '., '" , / 5/",,;I.'1S,;}~S-.:s.4'~i/f,,-,r..:...:x.,.,t.............. 7'0 >><.J.~ - {/ ..<':s. ~/""./...., /!,?--' r- /' .__\ ,--,Z- /', 'J , . .; ; (/ " /-,; " , I ~ -. Z"j ~ P 1-"-';) 1/-':' ';2.0- 1/ ,y I '"I, f" (,. , j.t -lo--< ,/ ';II' I o <-f7 ',. ( .d.....J .d-d: M~J.~,;J'o/ d-~ T. CA~4. (i} ~.; t-, -7 ?-i' l-<r A ptn of the S 1/2 Sec 19-23-4, W W,H., Mason County,Wa. described as follows: COMMENCING at the') 1/4 corner of sdjt?,Ils:tj.,on; ~h 11 8..J~9~~Qil:'.,.)f along the S line thereof for 700'; th N 45030' 07" WAlOO'; th N 15047' 28" E 1380 l"" !'lore or less to the contour line 742' above mean sea level; th '5Ely along sd contour line 280' more or less to a pnt which bears N 82005'02" E from the POB; th S 82005'02 ." W 1440' more or less to the POB.