HomeMy WebLinkAbout423315001016 P" DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN WESTSIDE #1 LOT 16 * BLK 1 /fJ'I.- # ACREAGE lut2\ ~1~\/1~1dld I /I~l/l 'I SEC TWP RGE ~ --- -- - - OISTRICTS , ~ t.. AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FO HD CD SALES S -=- --=---t- I ,7.4,-- r.T'l'V OH' m'''1'Il1A ? .lOA U " U T. n ,Jf,()t379 J,/'/ 117.) -A, ,-/:, ""''"-'9/30 . 4' .1~ J/I)(, I c;- '? ~,,;(. -:lJ~__7f (oNVht I LID4 I-i 3 If L fL d-3/~fft 19:H ;/1,/ rl""'/~ .., /. 'f 1-1. ,II' v Z-'2ac ~,,<,.,p/ /Is,.,' __;l jl/~!fj,990 J ~ ) " e?, '.-/ ,.L. /-L L A/ "" LLLL Ji.:?.<;/?/?/.. ~E , ' , I -. . -- : I -. --j I I i -+--- - - i ---~- , ---, I , --. - , -- ACREAGE VALUATION YEAR GIDELAND I B OF E UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL - - ; -- - - (S.P.# 191 Tr.D) Ex: Trs 16-A, 16-B, 16-C That ptn of Lot 16, Blk I of Assessors Plat of Lk Cushman-Westside #1 as recorded in Vol 9 of Plats, pgs 88-95 records of Mason County, Wa, daf: BEGINNING at a pnt on the W I ine of sd Lot 16 N 3028'36" E 300,00' from the SW corner thereof; th N 3028'36" E 200.00' along sd W I ine to the NW corner of sd Lot 16; th S 86018'26" E 660.00' along the N I ine of sd Lot 16 to the NE corner thereof; th S 70.00'; th S 39000'00" E 180' +- to contour line 742.00' above mean sea level on the Wly shore of Lk Cushman. Sd elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Lk Cushman Dam #1 near the Ely side of sd dam which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures U.S.G.S. J-32 & for the purpose of this reference it is understood that sd plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50' above mean sea level; th in a general Sly direction along sd controu I ine to intersect a I ine running S 670 45'42" E from a pnt on the S I ine of the N 200.00' of sd Lot 16 which pnt bears S 86018'26" E 490.81' from the POB of this desc; th N 67045'42" W 305' +- to sd pnt on sd S line; th N 86"18'26" W 490,83' along sd S 1 ine to the POB. I / ,_ ,1 ,E,r.'9L.' ;'1-.,.::::, /7~f..6N /~-10N F 6:e"'./.;SrlL-A: , /' E' .:)",c',,?!-~ "I X-:' --';/.s' Iv