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156 t/-; ",:,.:.,'(: ~~'~" /:...--rLJ Year File No. NAME~;--"O~/.\iER~-."'(,.'<' ~,:<< !I...... "1:"O~TRACT TO . , DISTRICTS .<...../ SALE PRICE Rd, ISch. IPorl PUD FPD_~_ ---! 69 City of Tacoma 2 .04 H 3 It L H -<;</. t '~tJ3 2(, '!a ~<q), h J ..3'o5i:;~ ;'8 tJ pis J-52.:. ?7P"'9,-{;:~ _,7~ nn~OC\. . ,/'. "" ' '" ";I>...., =.~ <, ,~ ,.",/yc;;:>;> 11/1f 9";:<1 ~,8, ~~~~+~d <1'~'-<fA~.G, .J '. , I N<'; tE- (.., t13 'IS 3 S":;J. '1'1t ~. .,' 7.1'66 ;:2~ btiJ ,. , 1m 11-1 .<, (P.. '-- H FZ . I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Order Timber Unimproved Improved lmpt'ovements B. of E. (Building5) VALUE 'III lor 'J .. ~\ '15 ~ Cj~-;---;C 7S 8J('t '}tj /7/t.('J '/ fr< /C}/o (i LOT BLl<- SEC. TWN. RGE. 77fq T,r,act, 1,,56__ LAKE CUSHMAN # 10 , , , .. .. , -- . u , ., , - ,