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102 r;;r-il~;; .~ .?>' 0 D / O;~ Vear file No.. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS "" tJ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port IPUD I FPD I 6q Cit"':l of Tacoffi3. ~ . ) Lei, H , I T. '1 f!;/ In~/ <-4, 'I? C:.:?"'').;~{,~ s 'It ~72.~. 81 """,,, 5" :~ 17. F7, ~N"''7 , "'....10"'-. , 11\.1 I- ft 4zzso L~ '1;N <13 "c;q/ !$. 7t-:-" - SG. to( /t L"< S t1f-l- C."lrc~ kA..OJ)j/":.n +- .-P,; L. , '" S>Y'S'V3 t.""_ ~,<((A I_I' * ".'" .~. % is-sari ~/L- d025 ,.I ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyster I TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Timber Unimproved Impro....d Improyements B. of E. (Buildings) VAlUe LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 7ract 102 LAKS CUSHl'~N IfB , . - - .- , , . , . , , , , . ., , - .-