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25 ..- /' l 'tJ.!!-,;"'} 0,7 i~ OiO oia~':'1 - DISTRICTS ClCY Veor File No. SALE PRier- Rd. Sch. Port PUD I FPD - 66 Citv of Tacoma 2 z..01 H 11 L H # /,'1 I"'d. j :lJ JJ. -if3. jJ L -- [.(Tl/'/,Ar U e~.s-7,4"d". ~-o-_Sc-'/"T -I. ./SS?,? /lc,o,.c U' , 70' 140<( If-l- Ill? L If..{ l {1t1:J'~ ,/, -::; -,,~' Jl1 <-,<. .:z 3 ,,)-eh, /, /,.". ;,/ I 1"""1,, ~ i I, II-j ~z... "".:t--,-l.f ,--, ....!__u '( 01 ~ - "r; t''''L ~'6: ,<J 7';:!c'G' .." I 1~2"cl , . Z/~, I. r:;' ~ .J" .:lhtJ .37/'/.Jt.j I~(,o/f..,", ~&, (/ _ ?:5:i~",1-:- ., I if/("c,("o.h )1/./' / ,A ". =< u()n I - I . --L- NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yeor I Oyster I Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. , (Buildings) I VALUE k4-1 97D '7/J L'5i 7, /9'::>0 ~) ~b/D '7'1 ;;J 7 t'-i!I ')ll ,- . ~-'-I.', J 'it; I07d<,- 77 i.3JP.~ -;If? /50 C. 0 11 ,j/9d5 ('j .;;c/L/<:;CJ p/: .;<3700 lOT BLK. cn1~9 SEC. TWN, RGE. ,J" ,...... ....Tract 25 LAKE CUSHMAN #2 .AI