HomeMy WebLinkAbout422135000901 , DESCRIPTION: PLAT HOOD SPORT . ALLARDS ADD lOT Tr.4-A of Tr.4BlK '* 5"6'1 ACREAGE l~,:lli1d~ SEC TWP RGE - "_~_~~,s:_ --*'-- '-'--.'''' ~ DISTRICTS ' :h...,- AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUO, TITLE HOLDER CDNTRACT TO: SC jPT UD FD HD qo I SALES S -----.--.. '-, ---_._-.-- , , 6/72 #270253~C1air E.Bearden f~~ Robt.E.Shelly et ux 2 404 H 1 1 L #31570 -~"m-Z7I--,--(!;, , i-'-V ?64.c;~tf,!f C:c.._,l- v r J{~ r:J(/t!iJ;u-.,g-7"" (ai""",;, "..r / ~-l'i.lliJ...7 - r. il i E'tdlU_l~ I? f? -r-r. c.r-:; 9- f<J:J :<.WD' 9J I <f12!L )/ / I If! /.. WI> we i I ___1_____ , --.--" _..L-.__ , - - --- I u---~-_l__ , i -I - -- I i " , .' -'-'-- ! ! - f - ! ! : ---... n - I I , = , - ACREAGE '1ALUATION ~TlDELAND , -- B DF E 1 I~NIMPRO=- IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 74 ' 100~ 9000 9080 18080 -~ -. .~f ';;'-j,;'''''' ,:; '5fS ~ :;;.:2 '<;$tJ 1-7000 ~3&IO 70f410 h.1.4' ,/ 1'1.58''1-0 ,;l3f" (0 II. 7'L(5{l 9.;1. I 1-'1700 I'l 7tJ1..I^ ! c23f.115 -- it I '17"tPO t, 3/5'0 I/o ISA i J.;,~ I 1 ..3 /"lS' tJ I~ 211'16 9. r h-O 1 '-t---- - 'f fill- t) , '-' -<~~".;d~Joi:l'-';'~-~ .~ - -. '""'~. - .--.-~'.-- .-", .--...... ~.-:.' ~..' .....:...c:.'"" ._.. -"''''-~ Tr. 4-A of Tr. 4 A par. of Tr. 4 Al1ard's Add to HOodsport, desc. as follows: Bgn at a concrete monument, which marks the SW cor. of above desc. Plat & Tr.; run too NEly along the W boundllry of said Plat, and the East R/w line of PSH #9; 90' to a pt., run thn S 74040' E 120' m/l to the line of extreme low tide (being the Ely boundary of said Plat) thn SW1y along said line to a pt., which is S 74040' E of the I.P. too N 74040' W to said I.P. ..s,e +/0/ /P:;.-703 /?J' - d'JV .i ."",,,,-.__.-..~..