HomeMy WebLinkAbout422125122007 r DESCRIPTION: PLAT MCREAVY'S 1ST ADD lDT Tr. 7 BlK 22 '# ACREAGE 14/1.;131 /L:Ji s--iJi:?~-" Ir:jj] SEC TWP RGE -- ____u_ - -"'~~....; , , , YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER u.,_ _ 69 #227845 ' N.E.Frint et UX ~- CONTRACT TO: I DISTRICTS ~;l.S AFFIDAVIT liD SC IPT UD FD HD CD' SALES S 2 404 H 1 1 L #7375 .}~ ffI I qO</ H I II /I Ii (e.., ODD . r---------- , ----+--- - I ____ I -+- --t-- ~ .----- , I I + .-. ! ACREAGE ~AlUATION VEAR TIOELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL T10ELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING B OF E TOTAL 74 ;r, _:,' ,.. "iJI ~ 1001. 5000 1530 6530 /()7()d //_,,~ 1/4L'78'tJ 15'?7S- 7/" q'O; ~357o ISg7.s 5tJ~b" ~~ 930 J""- #90,') ..l$o/-$ 19<<c!. ..::> 'V -/~I ---- 1 I --t---- ~ ". ~"".y~.... . ~" " ~-:~...... ,~. -~,.,~..>(,...._.:._, '0.: Tract 3 of Block 22, Original Plat of Hoodsport A11 those portions of Block 22 of the Original Plat of Hoodsport and vacated Wil1ard Avenue and vacated Falls Avenue, as shown on subject plat and McReavy's 1st Addition to Hoodsport, as follows: Beginning at a point in center of Willard AvelUle, which point is 30 ft N of the S line of Section 12-22-4; thence W parallel with S line of Sec. 12, 148 ft mor(! or less to a point in Block 22 of original plat of Hoodsport, which point intersects an extension of center line of vacated alley in Block 22 of McReavy's 1st Addition to Hoodpport; thence N along center of said vacated alley in Block 22 of McReavy's 1st Addition to Hoodsport extended N through Block 22 of original plat of Hoodsport to an intersection with center line of vacated Falls AvelUle, as shown on said Original Plat of Hoodsport; thence NEly along center line of said Falls AvelUle to an intersection with center line of said vacated Willalid Avenue, said point being directly N of the I.P. Thence S along center line of Willard Avenue, 165 ft more or less to I.P. EXCEPT portion deeded to Donald Jolmson under deed #281456. ALSO: That part of Lot 18, Block 21 & :a& of vacated Willard Avenue & vacated alley adj described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of said vacated Willard Avenue and the extended S line of said Lot 18; thence S 88024'44" E 148' along the extended S line and S line of said Lot 18 to center line of said vacated alley; thence . ~ lLu.,._i.--.,j~___~_.~,,____~...i._ll~ N 1035'16" E 20' along said centerline of vacated alley; thence N 88024'44" W 148' to centerline of said vacated Willard Avenue; thence S 1035'16" W 20' along said centerline to I.P. :J~~.;;:::.--)~t%t kI~~ ~,tJ- -.>1;,'-' .......c.u._~~" ',""""-:00;.'>0& _ ,_ ....."'."'.,. < ___. _ b .._.",,"~. .~"._ _ .c...... ..,.-..._.....::_...-.._,.~_