HomeMy WebLinkAbout422125121012 ... 12 21 &78 ~ DESCRIPTION: PLAT MCREA VY' S 1ST ADD lOT Tr. BlK iF ACREAGE 0~!212jj1 j b~ SEC TWP RGE <,- . ,~~....._,_".._-l.., I ~-- ---~--- _. ~- "~ ~~~_. , .....-"-. .~ DISTRICTS #?~).... ()5(i}) AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TiTlE HOLDER CJlNT~CT TO: , IE">I\ I"'. SC IPT UD I FD I HD CO SALES S -. - - - ~ 9/73 #283014 Ceo. Gustafson IV 2 404 L I" et ux A.M. Loughrttn et ux 1 1 $15.000 ___"'--"'-"'-'___n.__ , .lJ / <;I () <1 IH I / J.I L.. ----, ____.-l- - , ---r i I _.__.,-~..----,- ____ _ L - - 1.-----1 , I n_ -+---- I , ----- , ----- .~ , 1 I 1 I I i - - t , , : : --~ --- ! ----.'- , ~ ACREAGE 'IAlUATION ~NIMPROVED - B OF E IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 100% 5000 3400 8400 74 I ~~ --. ----'- t, ~OCi ,'i',g, I.:USCJ =t=.. /175"0 I 2- <I S- 5"" ':<'-/;;<OS- '':<'2.",., /<1000 ?/_ 0 <^ -+- I I I I I 1 j I ~ ~ ---..-- !-----.-- ~ - ,",,, ~ ._.c. '-'_~' , :-~...~--""'~, -.- -' -':;ri"'-- '- -- .'.- . ,.,.<..-. '-'._~---- - :......~.- ., ..~~. ,"..- Sly Par Lots 13-15 Block 78 and Vac Alley Adj Prt of Lots 23-24 Block 78 and Vac Alley Adj That part of Lot 13, 14, 15, 23 and 24 in Block 78 of McReavy 1st Addition to Hoodsport as recorded in Vo1une 2 of Plats, page 11 and of vacated alleys adjoining said property, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest c~rner of said Lot 23;. running thence N 1035'16" E 8.9 feet along the extended west line of said Lot 23 to the center line of the vacated alley adjoining Lots 22 to 26 inclusive in said block on the northwest; thence S 65035'16" W along said center line and said center line extended 53.4 feet to the center line of the vacated alley adjoining Lots 16 to 21 inclusive in said block on the east; thence N 1035'16" E along said center line of the vacated alley adjoining said Lots 16 to 21 inclusive 102.09 feet; thence N 88038'33" E 122 feet; . thence S 1035'16" W to the southerly line of tract conveyed to Jim H. Shtmate and wife by deed dated June , 1963 and recorded un:ler File No. ; thence westerly along said southerly line of Shumate tract to the west line of said Lot 24; thence N 1035'16" E along said west line 5 feet; thence S 88038' 33" W to the point of begin- ning. TOGE1HER with and subject to an easement 12 feet in width for ingress and egress, the center line thereof being described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the above described tract and running thence N 88038'33" E to the westerly line of the existing public road; and subject to an easement for water pipe line over the southerly portion of the property. ~"".:s;.""""",,~''-''l''.;.,, ", -or ___'._