HomeMy WebLinkAbout422125106013 ,... DESCRIPTION: PLAT HOODSPORT, MCREAVY'S 1ST ADD it ACREAGE ~~~f;~ "~.'~-.--,--',- . ----_.__.~~ .-';'j '. " YEAR AUD, TITLE HOLDER 1/72 #266320 George E.Cotton et u ->>f~ ;~~S'f.~'.._)-/" 7 0., _ 1.. i 0 i i , ----- ;------- ,I., I -- "--'--_._~--r- , , , , -- --r---- I ------,-- , , -, ! ACREAGE YEAR , TIDELAND I UNIMPROVED IMPROVED I :~ ---~- 7< "1& I .zr:; +~__ /7 I 1 'ill i 1 s,..- -r------t----- j".. ~.~~R',~~.', ~ _ ~~<_ '.- " ~"~~"..._,-... . .~.- .__._.~~~.--"..--~._-,..............-~ - CONTRACT TO: 'St;bD ~ .#t, -Il. P TOTAL TIDELAND 100% LOT Tr 13 & Tax BLK 6 268-B-5 SEC TWP RGE L DISTRICTS ">- - AFFIDAVIT I PT UD , RD SC FD HD CD W 2 404 H 1 1 L $34500 "" 1 I ~O~ # I I 11-1 L. "Z(~~ tT , . VALUATION , --- B OF E UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 17500 17020 34520 0 (l c~ 17 -<:"^ n 170,;2.0 ' =? 4. <.:1 0 ?'~5t)() /~5Q S305D ~ ~ ~ 3(",500 /t,,5ScJ S3a50 91'000 ..15/ :)~O /335'''0 II. -<A~ ~ . - -., Il /~.Ro 0 . ..:-.....,"",; 'C.-3fi' 7 That part of vacated Lake and Railroad Avenues as shown on plat and of tidelands in front described as followsZ: Beginning at a point S 16042' W 62' and S 7~018' E 100' from the NW corner of Lot 2, Bleck 4; thence S 16042' W 175', more or less, to the extended Sly line of an existing bulkhead; thence S 73018' E along said Sly line of bulkhead extended to the Ely line of tract conveyed to H.E.Lockwood by deed recorded in Vollne 58 of Deeds, page 310; thence Nly along said Ely line of Lockwood tract to the Sly line of tract conveyed to Jim H. Shtnate recorded in Vollne 155 of Deeds, page 4/l1; thence N 73018' W along said Sly line of ShlDate tract to a point S 16042' W 12' and S 730l8'E 22- from the I.P.; thence N 16042' E 12'; thence N 730l8'W 22' to I.P. . J "''7'-it/1 ""--' ^ f !-,,,'.,- Gt.-.tl-{";I' I --~ / ( '.&. ' /'- --' I' ' /CJ~;(r' ~~. /) ;j rc ", - 4rJ '" C'lt:~ ~ I }~ f ,-~-~_! c ~ ~-.3 S- <0 ..... / I~ ':?",drc7'4, L:..'17;oc" (d., , ~^ r-Jor,JL\J, -:A.: ~f~ ,;;f,"'cjQ. -~ d..,d,,--u, (>,~Zl~ ~7 ' ~ ..v ~<I 0 S' "c. f'..,., I',,' d a..I : ,~-.:::s'~- .-..... ,:~~.- .-.~~--'