HomeMy WebLinkAbout422125002003 ,... DESCRIPTION: PLAT HOODSPORT LOT ,- ," _. Vac.Alley Adj. 14C';:i.L:'71 /LRt':i1~il cl.?!cl(1131 SEC 3-4 & Tax 268-K TWP BLK 2 # ACREAGE RGE YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: '~_._-' RD SC /C){, DISTRICTS :::(.-:>,., I PT UD FD HD' CD ' AFFIDAVIT SALES $ --~~i 61 #189740 Wm.W.lng et ux OOD 2404 Hi! 1'1 I ~~ 1;</ I / II L #17544 $5000 L , , ---~------------+- I ---.-.------- ~_. . I --I i r .. . .t-----.. ACREAGE 'IALUATlON -Y~AR J TIDELAND IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING B OF E TOTAL 1-- UNIMPROVED , -~--------+--- ,-- -- 7?-i I --- . t- ----j ~~t-- _K_L- ___ _____ , I ---t--------- 100'1. 7500 17035 24535 /'/.:1..50 ~~g;; v ~2/.J?() N2s0 ;;tl-930 .3~ I$'O 32000 'ib/?o 7?/70 JS'~-oo ~<:Qn,.. 1i-l96Q , ---1.......-..-.-.------ i __L___ t==i_--t - -- ! : ~=- I -+__m-+____ -e-- ! ~. ! I < ,'-""-',. ""~." <?-" "'';. --- """, .. -~,,_.~ -.-- .. .... Tax 268-K All that portion of a tract of reversionary right oyster lands, containing 19 . 04 acres, & being a portion of a tract of tide lands in front of parts of Covt. Lots 3 and 4, Section 12, Twp 22 N, Range 4 W,W.M., conveyed by the State of Washington, as tidelands suitable for the cultivation of oysters through deed issued to L. K. Monson, September 20, 1902, recorded in Vol. 8 O.L., page 160, including the reversionary right in said oyster lands, purchased from the State of Wash. by E. A. Harris, particularly describ"oo as follows: All that portion of said 19.04 acre tract above described which lies between the Southerly line of Lot 3,Block 2,Plat of Hoodsport,Mason County, Washington, according to the recorded plat thereof, extended Easterly to the Easterly line of said 19.04 acre oyster land tract, and the Northerly line of Lot four (4), Block two (2), Plat of Hoodsport, extended Ely to the Easterly line of said 19.04 acre tract of oyster land, excepting therefrom, however, all that portion thereof, if any, which lies below the line of mean low tide. t,;;, ;';."60""{ ._,'..-..._,,'~. -....~. ;~--' \............'.,..........., ......