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Year File No. .., 1? l..? 7. - NAME of OWN'R CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .3~ SALE PRICE
- Rd. Sch. Port PUD I FPD I
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Oyster TImber U'nimpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE
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e*inning at a point on the N line of Gevt Lot 3, which point is S 89 06'
51 E 2215.21' from the t corner common to Sections 1j & j4; thence
S 00 51'07" W 200'; thence S 8906'53" E j80.96' to Wly R/W line of a
new private roadway across Govt Lot 3; thence N 29 32'15" E along said
R/W line 227.91' to and intersection with the N line of Govt Lot 3;
thence N 89 06'53" W along said N line 490.24' to LP. e.xceptin~ th~ st
ALSO: :Beginning at a point S 0053'07" W 100' from a point on the N line of Govt Lot 3
which bears S 89006'53" E 2215.21' from the NW corner of swt of section 34; thence
S OOS3'07" VI 50'; thence S 89006'53" E to the NWly line of the R/W conveyed to
Davidson Logging Company by deed recorded under Volume 16S of deeds, page 51; thence REly
along said liWly line to a point which bears S 89006'53" E from loP.; thence N 89006'53"/
w to I.P..
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