HomeMy WebLinkAbout324341370440 Vur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO 55 142940 Davidson Logging Co. 5/:; ) ~O ';'/~ f? "J. 7J?,). f r?',.. ~ 1/'/)('1" (/.~ rf " .5&-/6/1IC) rqA"'r'7t.'110-:,"I1J~-:' r- '_/ c"l./ (\~-<~_ /;;/ L~~-,.~ ~, -rd;..:(. r;i-; f(; J ~ . . .-r. l/l/A ~1/9.t :;t,.,,.; 4. ~ 14/4 / 9 1/ ...ILL ~ Jj3;j i1 ~ /) / -d ...i. J?/-J -J /'1.... uJ.....,J \ 1*3 ffJl~0 '~..?LO /S bt1,x> 114m!) c ~ 1lO.:....:L~.~ NUMBER OF ACRES V.ar Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTA.L ,,ss oZ7J.:J ';/2 f..a ~7.~.2~~ ~ ~ Ia2. 1 2a- 2L Zd... ::& iL 1!L,n }'~ ..1i11 .Pc' I' . Oyster 5,)0 ;;{'lb'5- 5770 "/,,,::- /"7'(;..... ,f';-Vo /7 b t ,j ..33 flm ., ~ fJJtJ ??:? F'lu gRf(tJo DISTRICTS J~-:3 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD 2 ~12 3 L L1~_d._L l~ ;z. 'ki. ..;l... 1li-.b- .H.. J'f .L 1/0"';' _ 3...LL1. Ji.... ---f---- ./ SALE PRICE ao,o~ / /,'11/-/1 I ,~_ ob' /~ 00/0.' . W ,1<- ~J"f'f? I:::COo-Pt> ="'/7.56 ~~~~t> . . ,.,,,, ~ . ,/" '" ;r------------ "'"" M ......-VALUATIONS ,,---'Timber Unimproved Improved LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. m'" '~L\J, \ .'-\: I '('J I ) '.~.o . '- " Improvements (Bulldlngs) B.ofE. VALUE 500 /~i ".' ,.",., 7' ~. :/..-. - q~S"j ,>~ ..J .5D 177.#>_ .5';) /,?, :IS!) /00 33 '100 ' /tJ IJ 3 ;l9~t) 100 .r ,j"lo () 'I~o .f'9.( S t) ~~"'-_-~"Z-; -.'.,....~~~~'_~ / Tidelands lying in front of Govt Lot 2. -----...... '- ---------.. :> ~- ~ --..... .~...> . -- Er h'L: ~/J.u> E, {;t:}t:>..:;> Lk /TN (2. .;j",EE .09ND .,-~ "i~~"'-F... . ------ --- -~- - Yo., Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS , :=; /J 0 SALE PRieS Rd. 10.. Port PUO FPO - - - - - - 61 186917 Mildred Pile 2 ~ 1 L -- t..q IA , 1/,1" . 1 '5k;, Jl d J... Ao-;zop ;(.4'l.,?,Sf ~ - ;:;;;-:A~ , -/Fj - V I. - I " /f - - - - - - 3.;;<.3.;1.S-C $)7CJ b7..:7bT.;1-3 !I '( / ' // t, ,/1. J JJ.. /....., ~//) I -fJ.J ,/1) . , .y-}~ (e" - - $.:J...3'.:z./ %-,;> 1"7.:1070 u A. '.-/. - - - - , . ( / / ~ - - - - - - I-- - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - .-. ;._~. '--' ... '._,."", ....J,.''''' - .,.~lo .........., ~~.. -J ~ -- '-~ - - - -' " . , . ""- "'..- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oyat.r Tlmb.r Unimproved I Improvt(! TOTAL Oy,tar Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemenll ..ofE. F (BuIlding.) VALUE fd 3 I?' .i, c t"s-c '" 5:'a> /;/" ..2::::> i.. :?/o ;1/0 #. /.-//0 /0/0 izk /, Yr.7".(: ;.;; _00':- - - , . ~o!.:. 7C' ".L. ItJ/iJ .I cf/ IJ .1L /.;Z 50 /.;? .;; /J T/ //:/ , ,/, /ih~ I'" . LP ~ , { -' ., . , . , ~ Bl~ -,- . I ~ . IEC. TWN. RG~ i '-, ~ ' . -.-.r~ _- -"...-- . ~ . ------~ ~.-.. "'- All tide lands in front of, adjacent to, and abutting upon that portion of Govt Lot 4, lying Nly of t"e following described line: Beg at a point on Wly line of Govt Lot 4, said point being Sly of Nvi corner of Lot 4 a distance eaual to ~ of the distance between said NW corner and a point which is ~47 .33' Nly of SW corne,' of Lot 4; th Ely along a line the bearing of which ~s the mean bearing of the bearing of the Nly line of Lot 4 and the bearing of the mean bearing between the Nly and Sly line of Lot 4 to the line of ordinary high tide, (expressed in another way, the bearing of the a'ove described line is the sum of tie bearing of the N line of Lot 4 plus ~ of the difference between the be3ring of the Nand S line of Lot ijj the Nly and Sly boundaries of said tide lands being the Ely extension of the Nly and Sly boundaries of the uplands upon which said tide lands abut. .;~~ ...,...>:.::- ., --_.";..~