HomeMy WebLinkAbout324281000010 I"" -;:;--~-T NAME of OWNER 52 l4.2803 f-llam& Hama LQl!:dlU!: Co. -I---f--. 1- _____\--._n___ ___ -t---- " .. NUMBER OF ACRES Y.ar TImber Unimproved Improved Oyster 75 3.o_ry 77 L;WA'-o'~',,'7..~ 1'/7."b Ir,. -n 9,' 9/ 3ClU fz.- /'l 7, 1(; 15 ,V_ ---. \--. LOT SEe. ILK. TWN. R6E. . f-S1;"'" I /7t41) ~ CONTRACT TO Rd. Sch. I p.,rt DISTRICTS ..30.2 ';'1"" l' = 2 40' I ~O'1 ..J1.L VALUATIONS .. TOTAL Timber Unimproved Improvements (B\lildin9'i) Improved Oyder :::{ /'''"' ~-,_. 225 /l~,t oV" 0 e 71. t (' , /nM?, ( 3::':) I! (I 5'3",- 3,tJO :q--.;, 7 .;-.-, --, ( I '/ { l f- 1 ~I, "1 / J E-- C';o '17;, ,. 1 ) , 1/#0 /~<I", 'rJ.V ~/'dY/JrlY)' CURRErJT "~': _O~E,'~ C;;:;,,~..,~ _ ~GRiCUL1Uii c';"";"-"':;:"''- FOREST I ....... ....-.;."""""~-. ~ ~'---".. - .91. - .'---- .J- -:.i-~o..,.':^'(f~~E.l A<:;:Q'j.-~_.-:~ . SALE PRICE t1,J'C) B. of E. VALUE 225 c:< /~ '-' ~(){) 300;5 S3S- 7/06 1590 7/00 /"! y''') 6rmerly Tr. I of E 10 Acres SE NE & SW NW of Sec.27 Tract 1 of the E 10 acres of the SE HE described as follows: All that portioR of the E 10 acres of the SE HE of Section 28 and of the SW NW of Section Z7 all in Township 24 North, Range 3 West, W.M. lying withiR tlo.e following metes & Bounds description: Beginning at the west end of John's Creek Bridge which bears S 325' + - and E 400' + - from the NW corner of the SW NW of 27-24-3W.W.M.; th S 220 W 100'; th S 720 W 182'; th N 380 W 260'; th N 580 W 200'; th N 130 W 770'; th S 810 E 270'; th S 280 E to POB. . '0; .. .: