HomeMy WebLinkAbout324271100110 ~, 1?31t'16fNAMEO' OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS - -~ Year File No. ( -, - SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - - '12 112 ,)9~ Jack M. Case et ux 2 >;l'" - .3.... - L - liv IJf,S3~1 -I ) JU-D ,-I-' A~ c:< ~ .:3... ~ ~.s:. i!, n )" /.A> l 1~ iJ.d 1L ~ ~, t:J.-rHJ (/-fJ 1'5'15/'10 '71 ;;.. .3.... il L ..- - -Q32.-') 'l;;p m.iL l ~ / XI ..L 1d. ...3.. il ....L .iL 7 .-',<J-a ~ - (, () il /('/,) /M ) .ft/scfi"'l 0 - - - - ...u~A//:r ,tA 'J~~ Coli' ~~ =iZ~ //~ 7;/~AAJh< I:; /.:J,;J...?L) - - - - P. -=2-- .k.'3 ~L ~ !/n r?rtP p , h. ) 1dNJ..I{ / "'~~. - - 4;:/) d,e, .36 ;> ~ .2 12.1 IS- ..t. #J36?' - - /r~t?C) ,I / - - - - . - - - - - - - 1-,- - - - - - - - e: ~- - - - -- -- - -- - - - - --- - -- - - - - - -- -- -- -;-- -~ - - - - - -- - - - --- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -'- - _: -~. - - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYiter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE .3~ !.Oo /,"0 .30 /)' ;$. 0 700 .?i ;,00 / ~) _'J & -?.3c 7%'r? . ,1f?1 / vO ;: () (:.. /00 780 ffsc) ,iL /.0'7) /.o-t) /00 7'7.?J /070 &:). .:1.52 e;?,!>'C ~~o 970 /.;l~O /./ 7- / ' 3/.5 ./ ..' - //, - , - / - . ,. " ~ . Ih1 6",- /,f'35 - ! 'c",__, /..:'/J (,'1 ( :~5"' 1.,,,_ ~r'-!c,' /-7'- , "~/A ,-;; <, :; ,~f',j // // :) , ./ ;) ".... ,. , . 'II r7~/.:-") 3//u .5//t!J f~ /1'7;1-( r{1,...n /;J';:' ,1 /C.?,?O . Vu 10 - Lj.ed / / ,~c CJ Is3t"tJ S'I ~ So :<s () /J(.li,;'o / 711)/') ,;2 9/r '1 u 15' /'165'0 /3'ltJ c ;.85'S-~ lOT BlK. r ro'u r/~a SEC. TWN. RGE. ~cr?''J . . 1 :" , -. -, '. - -' ~. - -' ' , ~ At a point (which is NW boundary corner post) 110 ft. N 88vE va. 230 45' E, (along county road) from a set iron pipe located on E bank of SlO~h Creek ai the interseotion of the county road. From here run N 88 E (va. 2~) 45' E 100 ft. to NE boundary oorner post' Thn S 20.W approx. 500 ft. to intersection of Slough; , Tbn Wly along slough's eage 85 ft. to intersection of Riohard Schlaufler's boundary line with slough; Thn N l60E along same boundary line to 'oounty road again and pl of bgn. This tract is looated in Govt Lot 1 (NE NE) Seo 27, 24, 3, comprises in all 1 acre more or less Bgn. at a point (which is NW boundary corner post of the tract herein conveyed) 210 feet N 880E (Va. 23045'E) along the county road from a set iron pipe located on E bank of Slough Creek at the intersection 0" tre Old County Road; and on the Sly side of said County Road. From said IF run S 200W along Ely line of tract of land heretofore conveyed by George Broderson and Annie B~oderson his wife, to the Grantee herein, approx. 500' to an intersection with the Slough. Thn following said Slough and River in a SEly direction to an intersection with the Wly R/W line of the Olympic Hy. where the same crosses tre River; Thn following Wly R/W line of said Olympic Hy. in a Nly and NEly direction to the intersection of said Olympic Hy. with the Sly line of said Old County Rd; Thn in a NWly direction, following along Sly line of said Old County Rd, 200ft., more or less, to the point of bgn., contain 1 1/2 acres, more or less, situate in Govt Lot 1, Sec 27, Twp 24 N R 3 w WM. .,. . . ..-~~: f