HomeMy WebLinkAbout324242290060 .Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS _~33 SALE PRICE Rd. Beh. Port PUD FPD . . - - - - /'7/~ q}1 Al L ~;~.L~t)O.LIU ..52- Paul V. Larson Et, Ux Et, 2 .l.l2 - l Iifi: 00 !In- :iM.!,'fpf (Ju;'J/." CMMA ~ Rfd, ,;( 11#7" s.. /. Ir. ~ G';Ocrl UrJ?4 7g ..l,La.4.. 424507 nrui 11 p Rl nnn (~~! 0 ~t &xl /, ~ ~ d.tl - .d... il L K kRhLlLlLl IY'J) ,... f'f Jjd!J. ;L fl 11. ..L - .b. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - -- -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r-- - - - - - - - - .L'''" .. 'u, _ .'. ----------==-=~-~~====----- ""'---~.------_..._--~ ~-- ...-c:o_ IJ.~,""..;I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oyd..r Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL ~ Tlmb.r UnJmprond Improv.d Impro'l.menh B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .;i-v 15/,/,19 .3'-1 131 .30 ,(FO ..-Po - 30 F-,-, /ro ;;";0 4 30 /,fOd ;Jlo ,;;J.cJIO IRO /15/~ 11. .:3f .:1'1 ..-=. /:?,oo /.1'0 /9.f'o k /.51 .{',~ .3t? .3~ 1/100 37~ :J.J7S "- ~ :7 J'.2,~" /} 7".7 /} .;l :?2 () . H .;) ::-00 I/n ;2170 (Ji c;-;;:;-,--_' ~Zl,') ( 0 tin 70 r;, ,. r-: " 7)c; () 1-'/'/ .."~ C:' '. v 1/ S:?;r> ~..;, . /1- 7,~/ ," ~..... , ,:,/ ) p ,'~ ,r-, .1!:L. Ie..! If, _-";""1 /7.3'nc .5J;.: 0,; -it- d) >' Sf" ,':5'54.' (. <i6 eN!..,,:) XL 1..5 (J' .3'i ..3;-, t,,;;> Or, " 5r2i{L':; /i~'?o.':; ~ 5...: 7'j.~ ,/7 ,(7 3/000 5//.I.t1F7" "'- 20//05 35 37fJOO 2...RI)/') :L~PC10 LDT BLK. ~ ~ 1/'''' Jl 7 ~~, J~~~~ SE<:, TWN. RGE. " .3. " TR. ~ 9f.LO~).~, 1:~X R97-IJ:,-. .' , '.',~ - - " Be~. at the Mv to Sec. 13 &14 -24 -J. on the W. shore of hood Canal Thnl. W. along t~e Sec. li,ne between-~aid Sees. 103.,.7~' t. th.n. S. 31033' W. ~9<6 ft. to the st ~ly corner an9Vinitiql point of he Tr. hereby Desc. ~'hn. S. 3P33' '. 39.0 ft,. and "'./29023' W. 31.9 ft. S. 63010' ~/206.2 ft. /M or L, to the, easterly line of p':ov...lot Ii thn. N: 1010' ". a.l'bng said ely. line 100/00 ft. 1hn. N. 69040' VV. 155i5 ft. to the initial point. \!:iyh/tideland~ ~-: "'_ , ;-",:. IN (/ " /', ' Now Tract A of Short Plat #1372: ./' A tr of land in Govt Lt 1, 24-24-3W.W.M., daf: OJrrmencing at the rreander Corner to Sections 13 & 24, sd twnshp & rge, on the W shore of Hood Canal; th W, alg the section line between sd Sections 13 & 24, 103.7'; th S 310 33'00''W 85.05' to POB; th oontinue S 3P33'00"W 3.55'; th S 29023'00"W 31.9'; th S 630 10'00"E 206' + - to the Ely line of sd Govt Lt 1; th N P10'OO"W alg sd Ely line of (-,avt Lt 1, 50'; th NWly to POB; EXCEPTnIG therefrom road rights-Qf-way. AlSO all tidelands of the 2nd cl, fonrerly owned by the State of Washington ifo, adj to or abutt upon the above described upland, and lying above rrean low tide. .- ~.- , ---.' --.- . - ~, .. -.;;-::- -t/j. -r1 b L~_ :/. 0./ -' _ ; -'~ / /, i / /' .~_ ./ I'/, I ,<,.;-C ~1 r, I , ., -€/ --c:':/ , ,,,,I oit.y 7 // / ./ .{ / ~-" t' It ...~---~,. 4'~ d?