HomeMy WebLinkAbout324224400440 Y.., Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~~G,' SALE PRIce Rd. ~ Port PUO FPD ~ - <:;~ 10929 Christ's Church of Golde 1 Rule 2 ....31i: 3.. ...k ::iF' I-- ::..;..... 53 /-/9711 /l'h~/ , {,J,PUf/fhA) ~ L2 4"d</. "? L .- >7'=- ....?k (Jr-q 7(' 11,77. '~ bi" ~b3() 311~ J.77gS7 ftl xl. !. . ::!/S-p"'&/~j~ 75' 3o~93:i ,.". A ~S: FOREST " " (}];. lP!:cl~~j/ufl~J~,j , f-- - .30'7'). 7 f " /) -/) -! I _ ,~ rJ.::. bV 11 - - ~/~~ ;2. 1E!:t 3 1/7 L 1L -; Y17 331 - gl ..L '/Q!f. 3 1/7 / ..iL - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----.'... . ------------------------------------------------------------------~-~;~>--- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r O"d., Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improftd Impronmlnb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ...!>~:j / Sf}/) / ff(} J>b /.5,/,1(; 51 h~ (JO 15: ()O /P.cJ /~o b: 1.7- % /.:. -. //;'/ /~7 ..I/~n ij.s:-u '?'.' 5" - J .0" . //" 7/ 5:. ':) (' -~, .:::? -'c;""r ........ ",-,., ~J.~(j 71../ /___r, ';/,.. ,{, 7r;, 0 &7&0 ,. , 15 __ acw ll4.3a /..C"" au 1.-1. ad / O. -~;I.) / (j $t) ........- , 7(, / jLC'- //5,' 17 J'^/ / " /""1 i () '7[ I '1~'. . ) '170 79 15u~ /5,O(j /350 F3.~)O fit) /7'.5'!"- I- /C/..r.5 I- 51 /.-:: ~)() /:;;": .)() - (;j Is . 1::;"1:::'- )1/ 70UBl J.3%o /3tu ) LOT, BLK. - SEC. TWN. ROE. }5..;l' 'I~4'~a4#d, , ft ..'1'.... .I..J.. ~----:-:-__~', .~ - 1Q - /. - At a point 400 ft. W from the seotion corner to Seos. aa. 23, 26 & 27, Twp 24, N R3 W, WK (which is 15 ft. W of creek, also SE boundary corner post) run N (Va. 230451 E) 250 ft; Thn E about 40 ft. to said oreek; Tbn Nly along same creek (whioh is the E boundary property line) to the interseotion of 1/16 line with said oreek (whioh is the NE corner boundary post); . Thn run W along the 1/16 line (whioh is the N property line) approx. 675 ft. to 1/16 oorne~, whioh is the NW boundary corner post); run Thn about S 310 E approx 950 ft. to a post, from whioh run S 10"E, approx. 550 ft. to a pt exaotly 740 ft W of said seotion oorner; Thn run E along said See li~e to plaoe of bgn. This tract is located in SEt of SE! in Seo 22, oomprises about. 10 aores, more or lese, situate in oounty of Mason, State of Wn. . .~.. ~-- - -..'or- ---""-- .'--.-'-- ---~._--_._-- ~::,. \ \ - I I I I I I I I I ~"" . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . (..eO Timber I 'Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I I Oyster limbar Unimproved I Impr~Vld Improv.m.nh I B. of E. (Build,nQl) VALUE (;3 /...~- ,(/1 (") /;;-", ~ I'fS:C- I~S-.s- S .,"_ _,J ft ,. 1'170 /~7Ci ?~-- IS.oC! I S,(JCI /9';./'.1 == /'1~o ... --- -- -- - -- ---- ----- -.--- --..- -. -- 1 -~_... ---- ---- -- --- 1___- -- ---" ------- --' -- :____=1 - -- --- 1------- - - ---- --~- - 1--- -- -.---- I I . i