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Vear Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Or.t.r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improy.menu B.of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
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A tract or Land out or the following described premises, to wit: The E! of th"
SE~ or Sec 1)-24-3, and Govt Lot 4 in said Sec 13-24-3, excepting from said
Govt Lot 4 all that portion thereor heretorore conveyed by the Hama Hama Log.
Co., a corporation to Mildred Lemon and Mary L. Woodrord by deed dated Nov. 4,'
1922, recorded Nov. 16, 1922, in Vol. 41 of Deeds, page 2$1, particularly desc
as: Begn at the SW cor or s,aid Sec 13 j thn N 145 ft; thn N 790 E, along a
line 75 ft S of a railway survey, along the ML, to the MC between said Sects
13 and 24; thn W to the Sec Cor and place or begn:
Described as rollows, to wit~ Starting at a pt on the Wly boundary line or
State Hiwy 101, 125 Nly or its intersection with the Sly boundary or the above
desc tract; 'thn Wly parallel with the Sly boundary or said above desc tr to an
intersection with the Ely R/W of the Hama Hama Road, established by easement;
thn Sly along said Ely boundary to the Sly line of the above desc tr; thn Ely
on said Sly boundary to an intersection with the Wly boundary or State Hiwy
#101; thn Nly along said Wly boundary of said State HD~ 125 ft to the pt of
begn; (which said tr is hereinafter referred to as Tr. A),
Together with an easement over the road known as the Hama Hama Road and that
certain roadway running from the home to State Hiwy #101, (which easements are
denominated as B).
Together with a right to the use of water from any system under the supervision
of the Seller or hereafter enjoyed and used by him in connection with his other
land in the area W of the Hiwy 101, at as low a rate as he furneshes water to
any other similiar user, in quantity or arrangement, and prevently at a rate of
$1.5Q per month. Provided, however, that the Seller shall have no obligation
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water from such system shall not be considered nor construed as a similiar
user for the reason that the water charge is included in the consideration
paid by said Department as rental of certain buildings from the Seller.
All located in Mason County, Washington.