HomeMy WebLinkAbout323332100010 r -;:;-~-T NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,9t .Of SA.LE PRICE Rd. S'h.l.!,=,rt PUO I fPO I I -~674 ~I~ - 1,/7'; _3.L~ I"m"~ W W"nn _ P"m"l" Klnn W, nn 1d1fD 2..... l,tn' n w #46827 - 1---- ~. fi" ..L Wo< 0 F{ -- ----- ----- ------ . -- -- . , --_.-- . - y...1 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS , TImber Unimprond Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d Impro...emenh B. of E. - (BuildinQS) VALUE 2b d,SD 2,S{) /~:;..O /,;]~O '7!? -2, S- (J ,~, ~-') .:i5iJO .;JSOO t:- ',-....-/ rt 37S0 37~(J 71 e.o. :< SII CJ .;<500 f:l ",-. ~) o?.5o --' 1.20"0 /,,2000 _._-- 9~ I~d'? I g~5CJ f ,;(..5 Cl () --- - -.- - - i LOT ILK. I~lz..l ~1~13T.1' , o,,:lIli Iv I TWN. , SEC. R6E. , , '"'~ . ~ ,',' . '-.-i..- "" '''. .""""~,,,-~.t __', r-'-~'::"". ';~~~~'.. -'~'._':"~:.~.'~~ -;."...~o:or-. .~. .-..........'--"...... Beginning at the north quarter corner of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence westerly along the north 1 ine of said section, 330 feet; thence southerly on a line paral lei with the east I ine of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section, 330 feet; thence easterly on a line paral lei with the north I ine of said,section to the eaterly line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section; thence northerly 330 feet more or less to the point of beginning; Less County Road. ~--c~--_.-.~-- .. '1