HomeMy WebLinkAbout323331190020 I ,:~" I~:~:::"~::",~--[ oo~"o ";c: ~~;;r.~ ,"': .:;;,:"" gI2~~1~~~~I-- Ralph E. ~cott ~!..~x ~~~i-~'r--! i ;;;i~~ ~:~ :~5~~~--~~____n_~~~=~::~::"~~~~+:D~ ~..Ql;~-;l) r- i ~~~8L MU 3j~ fN/~rj(aY~j'=If'~ ,J,., "." h "'~~_L - I-- I- ,-L I~_- 1- I Timber I Unimproved &'~I-_~__I-___~' /3 Improved I TOTAL 2./:3 I I I ! Oyster VALUATIONS . ~.jQ B. of E. VALUE *;;:, . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Impr~v.d I Improvements (BlIiJd;ngt) 7t:./o 76/0 -f---~-f----- - ~ t 1- ------- ~-, ------- ----+-- --I--- ---,-,--_._,- --------~I--, _1--__1----- _un ------ 1----- _____n' - I ------1-----1 I i 1.312. : ~ ~ 3 '.,3 I~ L:!' () . 0 filil , : LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, RGE. ~" 2.i' ...? , IrQct. 2. of ~~8 ' (Tract 2 of Short,Plat #841) The S 155' of the N 305' of the fol lowing described property: That ptn of the NE NE NE 33-23-3WW.M., lying Ely of Dewatto Bay Co. Rd #7039. ~ Jt ( ,( l( C< ---. , , 'C/63 v ,-.---