HomeMy WebLinkAbout323312400080 I DISTRICTS ,5~/. -- Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO -. SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. Port I PUD 1 FPD I ! 53 145715 Byron F. Smith et ux 2 ,,04 1 1 L H tfig~~82 I --- ~6 Wallace G. MohrmalUlatux J c.";(ri) ?/ I '/oJ.! I I L .tL I I I , I , i I , I f I ,_ _...-= ,'e_, _ - ~,- . -- '-'-- -- '. f-I- NUMBER OF ACRES I V AlUA TlONS Ye.u I Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimprov~d I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5j .53 .53 50 50 5J .53 .53 50 160 210 ", .53 .53 50 50 5' f: gL c. .53 3.03 140 50 190 5 ~. ~ L c. .53 3.03 10 I 750 760 1. 6 ~. XL .53 3.03 750 750 1. c. 6 25% 940 91+9- 6 f:1g L c. .53 3.03 1690 1690 7c: ~. . , i' ?A'/J ~,");' ., ',...A 0' 7/ 73S'V '/'3..>0 N /(r, /: ) /7/cM #760 'lS' /d'?t1C /. ~ =:,5 .2 II~_S- 7rf, .>: /,j-(':: rP L/ -0 ~79.:;( [/ ,.s .3 3,03 9, k?~f' f( 00', 5""..:l.:l..7~ :;, '7'00 V 710 ,;z 7, " 33 I 5'~.J7;; ;i5tOD 71' C'7:-::- LOT BlK. , ! SEC. TWN, RGE. ''jb!~'3!LL(fO 0 O:..fJ.QJ " , <t, ,,",,' . 'l~I.~Il ' " .. , ' " - >----- "', Formerly known as Tr. 2-D of Govt Lot 5 & Tax 271C-4 & 1256-D Commencing at the ~ corner 04 W line of section; thence E along E & W ~ saction lina 620.86', more or less, to Ely R/W lina of Prinury State Highway #9; thence N 53<>12' 30" E 963.31' along said Ely R/W line to a point on NEly lina of a tract heretofore conveyed by Bertha Sund to Mathilda Getty; thence continuing along Ely R/W lina on a curve to tha 1aft to a point whose chord is N 46034' E 100.80'; thence continua to a point whosa chord is N 3)" 19' E ll1.30'; thence continue to a point whose chord is N 17"'l0' E 65'; thence continua to a point whosa chord is N 13"30' E 65'; thence continue to a point whose chord is N SOE 65' to SWly cornar of tract and I.P.; thence continue along Ely R/W line on a curve to tha 1aft to a point whose chord is N 7"05' E 65'; thenca S 132<>& to line of extreme low tidal thence SWly along line of extreme low tida to a point which is S 7~E from I.P.; thance N 76"W to I.P. ,) (5~~ I/FffJ/t/.t/tPb/ Fol<. t=i((!,~,PT~OXI or- 5' TO Go w~rfi h1) .,~ ~.~-;;-" ~-.' .. --- ,~ Wdli-t- ~ 1'1 f?-5'j-,~ I I I I I I I I I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprCNements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE # ~t~" /!/!~L 19....."'_.0:-: .42 2.Q;Z 5227:5 :?~><t)o 1,8076 -'~T;rA/ 15 5'> ()()(\ rJl./o() 15(1/00