HomeMy WebLinkAbout323312400040 Year File No. NAME of OWNER 52 142493 Starr M. White et ux <;"1 11.7061.. Harry Bierce et ux 55 159260 MYrtle May Bierce 60 184018 Alma B. Roe /:.JOZJ e-.,: NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved I Impr<lved TOTAL 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.21.. 1.21.. 1.24 4.24 1.24 4.24 1.24 1...2L. / -;-1 -f.) ~; I .-+ 7( 71 1/ 7;:;. '7/.' 7~ IV3 lOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. LihJ~j~~~~ <{:O:~ . ..' ....' , '. j. -' '."- "",,, CONTRACT TO Oyster lQO 10 25% ,;(-- . -- DISTRICTS ~ ! ' - Rd. Soh. 1 Pori 1 PUD FPD I ! I 2 1..04 J1/ I J.M/.1 SALE PRICE IlL H I ~_L1L T ". 17=.7366--- $12,000 ""' , I I - -' - - -- ,-- -- .~- ------~--,----- - . -- ,,0,,__. VALUATIONS Unimp.oved I B. of E. . Timber Improved I Improvements i (Buildings) I VALUE I .- 90 1200 1290 90 700 790 QO 700 980 1680 700 2"1QO 1680 700 2380 1680 16"1<; 3315 2100 20'"0 1.11.0 ,,;,;' ,~ I-/. /: ) D /2 I: '04"'1/" /7'1t.o C-- ~...C;; /,;2/.00 ~:u" ) 7'71..0 "Cr '0. r' <;U.O<"J .53/./1 /7'it, /1 -&- --en? ,!, .e'."", / '~.. ,-( Formerly knoWn as Tr. 2-B of Govt Lot 5 & Tax 271C-2 & 1256-B Commencing at ~ corner on W line of section; thence E along E & W ~ section line, 620.86', more or less, to Ely a/'ll line of Primary State Higllway #9; tllence N 53012'30" E 963.31', along Ely a/w lino to a point on NEly line of a tract heretofore conveyed by Bertha Sund to Matilda Getty; thence continue along Ely R/W line of Highway on a curve to the left to a point whose chord is N 46034' E 100', more or less, to SWly corner of tract and I.P.; thence continue along Ely a/w line on a curve to the left to a point whose chord is N 33019' E 111.30'; thence S 53030' E to line of extreme low tide; thence SWly along line of extreme low tide to a point which is S 47050' E of I.P.; thence N 47050' w to I.P. --~:.. .-.- - , " -- . . _, .~--~---"'-----C-_ , , : ! i I . I , I , , I -'-e--:UMBER OF ACRES -- ... . . -.. - --~ I I V ALUA TIONS Year I Oyster I Timber I Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timb.r Unimproved I Improved Improv.menh I B. of E. I I i (Buildin9$1 I VALUE ?J 3~t:) G / I , "'?>~~./~li; /, do '/' 0/';: /:</(, ,.:JS;;c;" /CJ7"':..J'1 [-?CY;20 1tl /} I p I --4- 3.. a .;? :i.;2 O( I K T .f t.:.. / .. f II ,"} -{ /1 7~(! .. - J.' , , ~--- , ,"':" -, c." 76 0 I' -&- -;(, , r I ;>..:J 7t ~. 0 - -- 77 3/~ :;'7, I" '. :: / <.1./1) c, _ 'r) ~ . ~ ~: , . - </ '1/ is / .?:I 0 - .. :li. I --1 ~-' -'-': ---, ." - 11. " ' '~;; /.'. ,:,". ( ,', ','i,' 6 - 'if] Jb.50o /</,fflC r ~flO u I.., . &J -0 ,~J --0 ,'/;/ .. - - . g </.5bo ..(S''/df.l It) 99e?() I I I I I I I I I I -----L. . N UMBER OF ACRES I. V ALUA TIONS .,-. Y.~r J Order TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved tmpf':)ved Imptovem.nts \ II. of E. (BllildinQl) "VALUE 3,0 ~ ~- g, ..2i.2..7f · I, ;;, Lj ~. 01 '-/ -G -k:t. -G- t.2. g"lsoo .::?S'loo / {) 9 90 -;: - $J- -tf '0 <} Y< 8</'50 C ~ '/D 0 /0 qCj-o"Tl 13 '" ! -c9- -e- ~.; - /,;h' z/ ! <, 9'1".00 .J540n ',,'iCjO"i) <;, ;:.,= '96-= 8.b9 t:Jo'fO A (, 30 '10 2.27/.12 0~ ~a 7/0N ,69 .Jl J2*!f_ e e -e- --- -,-- -.--- -- b/Voo 1/&'6 ~OO ~ -'1."1 - ----_.----- --- -.----- ,15000 -""'.. , ~ .;(,(,. q G- ~- /-t') -- =t- -- 'So'€.. '. s.e (! ,+- ~ .3.,;} 3 ,:>/ad 1.J..L_ .==1-- ~-- un 1-----1-. '-- --- - --- ._---[-- . -