HomeMy WebLinkAbout323312200450 .. Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO _.. DISTRICTS 31':"'- Rd. Sc;h. Port ?UD FPD I I I SALE PRICE "Po 2 ' . Laurence R. Pren" ~~ ~d.f 40/ 17/ d" .:m.hfl'A;' ...i: /' '" J. .:., '1 ~(J{)" J tJ - 2 I.OL if -LtlA~ 1 1 L H I I L /, 1 $900 #J'7J"7~'- -i /btJOO W<:> _l Year I , '~-"" ,~". ' NUMBER OF ACRES '",~ '. VALUATIONS Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved I Improvemenh I' (BuildinQS) B. of E. VALUE 6J 71 7/ 7"-- 7l/ 7f, 'iff l~ -. , , 28 ~{. 20 .J/O .19 .19 I, 1"7 (HJ//J ..2~n/) ."1'10 OZ.3JD cQ00r, IIbo"'ll""O ~OO :3.s-~..... 7C;-;;z.t"', L/S(:() I~y:.",/) i;3.;)11 9.;<5'"0 /tJftJo OltJtJS"d CJS{)O 9900 IP:sOO , I 'l /9 lOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGo. (lliJ3 :3:1 . 2.1~ .O.o.~.Si!.1 .-" -- ",-.,. . '. .~ . ~-' ,,'-J.-. """,,""--r,: '. ',,,..' .~.,.,,;r:_, Fermerly kReWll as Tract 27 ef Gevt Let 1 Cemmencing at the SE cerner of Gevt Let 1; thence N 475'; thence W 290'; thence S 52030' W 425' te NWly cerner ef a tract conveyed tea Ted J. DillGR by deed under AuditGr'a File No. 186143; thence S 37"30' E 275', IIlI!lre er leaa, te S liRe of Gevt Lot 1; theJlce N 37030' W 192.67' tG I.P.; thence continue N 3~30' W 82.43', mere or less, te the S line ef DillGn tract; thence S 52030' W 100'; thence S 37D30' E 82.43', more or 1esa, te a peint S 52030' W Gf I.P.; theRce N 5~30' E 100', mere er 1eaa, te I.P. ;-~ ~.--~-.~. ~ ,-'.. .,.,....... "'.",,1