HomeMy WebLinkAbout323312190620 """I DISTRICTS ~/ ,-- 'fear File ~o. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO _. SALE PR1CE ,jif. " / .;;/ .~ Rd, Sch. Port PUD FPD I ~2 l'H827 Sta.rr M. White et ux 2 J..OL. 1 1 L H -- 53 150333 John W. Simpson et ux J7f ..L 401-/ I L ...L JL ~6 16~q86 J ame s E. Vedan /j"fl71) 6/79 ')6408') IIb5<jb~ Wi II is D. S Ii n ker et al $29990 ~''}.,U r "'-2_.<:' ,'?f:"'- () of_ al1 I I~., "(J Tnt< , f I 1 I I , . ' " ' . ~ - . --._- '. --"'-'--~- _.~-----'-~_. ---.-.- -'" ._--,'. -- -..;._.,-==--~. ----'=--- --=-"""'" --~~...,_. . - ------.-- --~-_.._----_._---- I N UMBER OF ACRES , I VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5j I - 2.00 2.00 100 270 370 5 1.00 1.00 2.00 50 50 270 370 5' 1.70 L C. 1.00 1.00 2.00 20 50 'ill 270 390 5 1.70 L C. 2.00 2.00 10 3" 270 580 6 1.70 L C. 2.00 2.00 300 270 570 6 1.70 L C. 2.00 2.00 300 365 $65 6 25% 175 J.55 830 71l ;5'r' 7:5' /) '1/ . I/. t, 0 (.0 71 "'I C?J /3,ff/J 0'GJIO p'-o,' J) --c:-- -G- ....u 11 ItHJ % 5d?-(,o .P76o' XO~O 7rf ...e:J -e-- --t'}'- :75 J. 7,1./. (' ~.t70 ;;? .J a --;-.2(,0 .;z 7,~ 0 ),0 ,20 75 ~ -&- ~ 7r, ,t:;---. so 33'-/0 7.5 90 II{Jil ~-I BLK. 1312.12. 2. , ,.1 171ft) &.,.2.',01 ~ cyj .; -,.--r) 3i!.<I Q Cfo 'It) SEC. TWN. RGE. ...;\, ....>~ "--' .'."', - . - " t ,,'," ,'c--" ,,-,,"., .,;., . , ,~. .. '".~~_. r ,,,,,~,.-." fFc,~ , Formerly known as N <'---""'\~-'~. ~-"" , 100' of S 300' of Govt Lot 6 Ex. R/W & Tax 847C-l (Tract B of Short Plat # 435) That ptn of the N 100' of the S 300' of Govt Lot 6 31-23-3W.W.M., and of Lot "B" of P I at of Cana I View Terrace accord i ng to recorded pi at in Vo I. 5 of Plats, pg 7, lying Wly of PSH #9 and Ely of a I ine described as beginnJng at a po i nt on the N I Y boundary of sd Lot Bad i stance of 87.52' N 880 34' 14" E of the NW corner thereof and runn i ng th S 90 02' 14" W 122.0 I' to Sly boundary of sd N 100'; sd land being also known as Tr B of SP #435, AF#352631. . ~" -. ,..~- ,....-~'....<'~~..--..~'I" ~- ~-----~- ..._._",~,,,.,.,-,,~ -~. - -.- --;-"...~.,_""~ ,...., --.'.--'.- -,"""",'c-,"-'''' .--_~~.~_"'. .' --_.~ -- -~---" -. '--"'-~"-"'<-''''''1'' - .~,-- - .-'.-. '- ..........--. -', ;:(~ ",^L-L ...... ~/ uJdl" .t:', ,/" ,- "/ / r1 t" 1I (c'r ..-" &~~/ ('C.:"'~ ,;{. ~. , v [:: '/ .,:..... ./ e-,.- ~7...~ '<-." {( , I.': I I I I I I I I I .~--' - "--- ._"'-. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yur Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildinQS) VALUE :n ;),,00 .-c=>- . -8 ~- ........- l ,/~ :;-1S~ 3Y/{! '7 () 90 :Ii /,/)0 I;? 50 -8- , /.;150 li.. ~~ ~v~ (:f~'/:' J!- 00 /.65' /.1.5 8710 37/0 if r ---- 31? "'r .3/ :? ,C;-o i;J. f-_. !r.S 1.(.5 33.< 5"0 ..J:l 70 3("5~o g" =?;1.qon :13 S 0 ::i (, .J..S 0 - ---- - r---- - .. -- --- 1----- -_._- , .. , ~, ~.'i"F-..,C<_~ .. ,'~ .. .. "",.,~"",,~.. - .. -. ,~ .".'-.--.-," '--" ~"<l>.O ~.;.;,;.~_ i.. d-,<<,:::,,;,.'