HomeMy WebLinkAbout323307500100 Year --File No -T--~-' -f----' CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :3/ 0 Rd. ISch. r P'Jrt PUO, FPO I I NAME of OWNER 63 rF 3399 Vida V. Shaffer 2 ~04 I I ~-_.-. 8/78 349035 r--' Lee W. Scott e al~ 5/79 360696 3eorge Pomeroy et ~x Ma ga et .'lb.1.3(;3i80 IJ/;~#~H^ .../-;. f':#'J,Jof~) ff( / 11/0'1 (I ~11. f6;t?,fL ~ _7/l/I1AlI. ,,/- LJ.{/ /Jon fI (J ~~- .- NUMBER OF ACRES I I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro.,ed Improved Ji ~'i .,~ C 81 ~, ,_....,1. ! -S ,L. I loon (\ ...! z~r::- 0( 5'(JtJO ,J<JO"iO ~;'.'~, ., i -- --.- -_. I--~' --,--------- ~--- - LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. I i RGE. ~~Ii>i'1.510101/ loiol Tr. 10 of Surve 4/145- 3Q_. 2~. 3 ...-~.-"_.~ - - L SRP I--- /... {.{ I . Irnpro"ements (Buildin<;11) SALE PRICE gg~+9UUUU 62840 -P:-tp37.;;2/ Co J'O B. of E. VALUE , ,0 - ~ :22sS' C:<.5'" t1~ 0 -J50SC! AI I that ptn. of Gov. Lot 4 daf: Beginning at the SW corner of said Sec. 30; thence N 000 48'04" W along the W I ine of said sec. 30, 342.20'; thence S 870 11'04" E 476.89' to a curve to the left; thence along the arc of said curve to the left, having a central angle of 40005'43" and a radius of of 137.02', 95.89'; thence N 52043' 13" E 89.24' to a curve to the right; thence along the arc of said curve to the right, haVing a central angle of 03057'49" and a radius of 368.42', 25.49'; thence S 00048'04" E 403.44' to The S line 0" said SEc. 30; ihe,lc.; S 88057'08" W along the said S I ine of Section 30658.81', more or less, to the pob. TGW al I that ptn. of the S 100' of Gov. Lot 5 which lies Ely of US 101. TGW T.L. ~._--.-. -.~~- -