HomeMy WebLinkAbout323304300101 You ,"" ~oc lq 3}.3 j -6~ t.)NAME'f OWNER .....2.2..- 156233 A. W. Robinson q 4f:13'1 J ~..<- 'i ' .w.. ./r3.:276 c/j;ndA" &il.-L-rL...u-n- M 1/;?=,5;?;; (J/ AP,c;r1~ 4 ~/N :SnN pr /9L CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ----.~ i.:' Rd. Soh. Pori PUC FPD SALE PRiCe: A'7J .dlda _..L..L_..k._ ,;<~ _.L.L..L_ RI 1..14<1"1 I.L~.K. $100.00 "fi'J,F #S6o.fit.I1I{JP- C(i2/) ---1---- ----- --~-+-- -1- - .__oa ::=:=~....;.,.,.:..--...:~=-"-~,,-=,,,--,,""-=~...~-:-=...,~'-~_....-=...:...:..:.=--~-_....._-_...__....~_:=~~..;.~ Yur Oyster Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyrler V ALUA TlONS Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. (BuIldings) VALUE /0 /0 Sa 60 .b-cJ SO (- ~ bo /- /:" /..:. - ../L'-,r ,r: e;.-:::;;> cJc-"'J ;3e;C) _-='.00 ~ (>""l 3_-' .' ::/ ~ 3()o Bon NUMBER OF ACRES ..s.s. .51 ."it; Jk z... 7/ 71/ 10 21 !:;; ,03 .03 .03 .tJ3 ,0 3 ')~ , ,03 ~ ~/ /6,.1) /n ,0.3..- .o? LOT SEe, BLK. TWN, RGE. [ii2. ;3j 3; oi Y';3 iD~ it;__, ,","-- 'R. . 10-A of Ipt 5 ~ . >i'. '.im' . ."Cc',,", J NO;',' :5/:1 :7.;,4-15-1 i-:':';. -,'-: .....::;,."Q./v'D/).':'.:. ;r;-...(.:;. Bgn at pt of intersect of N. Line of Govt Lot 5 and S. line of Govt Lot 6 and E1y RjW line of Primary State Hy. No.9, Thn S. 250 57' E. along E1y R/w line, 35 ft. Thn NEly to NE corner of Govt Lot 5 Thn N. $80 46' W. along N. line of Govt Lot 5, 96.57 ft. mil to pt of bgn ~,,:.- ..... - -'- _.,I. ' eF <1'3 -1" - t. 4'-9 " . p. t ')Y\~ T',rt'~--p-~ ,-::.w.4--U ~T /1L : ...:,...",./..... ','.: r/ l.,.~:./// e. -', ,') 0#.01); .;. V~/lAI ,'.J I':"~!/)I./." Yd 1'//, //17 x:C"', " i, L~//.:'/.;../.:'/ /- , ,.;... Year I FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 31';- SALE PRICE /tJd2/9.;z- c',r; -1 '1.'19 Rd, Soh, PO" PUO FPD I 1 I ~ 96894 Doris I. Drees I. ;, fI/ //7 2 '512= IlL 1= ,. / 8r/~ ~ /J3.H:{ !~/ ..L/.~ / , .:< ili- L .L1..b.i . -f/". VI - I: I-! -. -- --,-'---- I , ---1-1-1-,-- I . 1-,-1---- -~-,- -I~I--,--'-I -1--____,- I I I I 'i I I -,-,_,-I-t~j I I' 'I i I I-i---I i I -,------i-I- -I I I --'-,-1 i I i I -I I -:- - - -,-I I I ! I , I - - - - ..---.:_---~-------------------- - . ~,' .--- -----------~~-------- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved 'mp""m,"h I B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE .6) JIlt ;:30 ~lJ 1'0 3b61 i ~-~~ S3 ..;.( C .30 ffo I $'0 I ! ..:3& 0 S,2o I , I 4. .fL,e 10 ., ..')t) I S() 3&:0 Sc2Q.. -&-, ' ,.-if) '1 , .:30 I , - -t'J ! - , , -- fol if /'.c i I ,-30 % c;J . %0 700 I ;?~O . -- . . --- --- .0.k I I ~ /..,. i /, , i~~~ 7~i /:;':1.;- ~ , ~-I--'- il , ' , '.~ ';(-:/.1,:.-:,( I ! ...Lh' , ~ ,{ '/ -1---; I , - 12't I I . .., I 15'.~ //.' . / '--~ -~.:' .. ' i - $'0 '.; I , I , , -j"::;'-:";:(J ~.. ,.~C (", 7".-: [c::?) ~O . ~ ' ~ . " 1 /, I I I . 2L I , - '; ,;z 5'0 ~:!-Fk ).: /-'c", . . z;, I ,,)/? L / ~--'" -J I ,. II'? ) ;;:'10 "0 :3 'i~ (...,0 ~.- ,j ~ li. , I /t,~? 7:) ;.'> I~ ) ...:~ -- rf-?,~ C; -~ .,-" ?-' (:"~ 1.5 b:;> -7(. I t/ lq~-' )<,--,c:.':.5 -----L.L:- ft - I LOT BLK. , OJ U ; ; ; ; ; ; : i SEC. TWN. ROE. ---. . J<l: . .. -L .. -~'... ",,- -> -, ~......-",.,- - - A traet of l~nd in gov lot 5, 30-23-3 as follows: Co~~~enCi.i.16 .....t vUE :;\,1 c.....ruer vf ~dC 31-;"'..)-) Thn t: 87014'42" E along th<.l N line of said sec 31, 2242.5' more or less to an interseetion with the eenter line of Primary state l.iway #9 at Engineer's Sta 73 & 77.5 Thn tunn an an~le of 76056' to the left to a line tangent to a 50 right curve Thn following along the eenter line of said hiway on a 50 right eurve 511.1' to a pnt tangent Thn N 35052' E along the center line of said hiway,413.9' to Engineer's Sta 64,&52.5 Thn S 53005' ;; 50 to an iron post set on ti'e Ely ;.largin 'Jf s2id tiway being jp the'true pnt of bgn of the land hereinafter desc Thn " 35052" E along the E1y margin of said Hiway 68.65' Thn N 54008' W 20' to a pnt where s1id hiway narrows down to a width of 30' on the Ely side of the center line thereof Thn along the arc of a curve to the left, with a radius of 412' 155.8' to a pnt of dist,nt at a right angle 30' from Engineer's Sta 62 and 45.8 /Thn N 82050' E 24.53' Thn S 2013' W 40' Thn N 82008' E to the Ely line of gov lot 5 Thn Sly ~long the E1y line of said gov lot 5 to apnt thereon whicr is 3 53005' E f'rol'l t['e l'nt c.f b,c;n ":~o:;a~rtil~'ia~ds L~f ~~~rrdi: ~-r.ifs::'ihutting upon U - ~- "" ~ /;1.' ~ /Jlc7JJ?..z.