HomeMy WebLinkAbout323303400160 .. --;:: I I ~ll_NQ -T---.--'-- NAME of OWNER -;---u-":IBfL. 195200 t 63 CF 3399 Vida V. Shatter IaP8 ~9035 .. _----,---_ _ ?!19~~3gtJ.';I.Rx.." 7I&;,.tt: f!.>Tev.f ~k 1i3g;l1bb:J1-r1 r;I,;i/&-?l!o,,"C' ----.--n--t-.- Y... I 0,..., .'NUMBER OF AeRES Timber Unimproved Improved 11g 1St ~ 9/ i;;L ,~o 1-. -~.- 1--- -~ONTRACT TO TOTAL .;;0 DIST.,eT' ~ 1 S- Rei. 5ch. 1 '<:Irt PUD I fPO' I SALE PRICE 2 404 Lee W. Seott e al J1( LlrM-4 ,-:' '..W Oyder Timber ---- - ILK. TWN, .-- ---, . .=3 1..3,~,():3:<f\n'(') IlblOI LOT SEC. ReE. I I L H #~097r-- WOfl-$/20000 ( I li;./ ,.F to 37"<'1 _r;: s~~ ,; 7-:::"-'5 VALUATIONS -. Unimproved Improved Impro".menh (Buildin951 D. of E. VALUE ~oS Sbu ::;05 "::-00 .5,-,0 ."SolJ 3 _ ~_Il~et. !&-..S'!_~,?;,t, L'?!J, ~.'?L~!W...& TaxUO~:~,__,.. ,_.23 -', ";.,,,..'-~,.._- AI I that ptn of the S 100' of Govt Lt 5, 30-23-3W.W.M., whieh lies Ely of the Ely r/w I ine of PSH #9 (US lOll, as the same is now establ ished and in use, together with ai I tidelands of the 2nd el formerly owned by the State of Washington as defined by Chapter 255 of the Session Laws of /927, ifo, adj to or abutt upon the within deseribed upland. . - -, --- ------,,- -... - -,.:._-- et al: Lee W. - Margaret Seott George M.-Margaret Pomeroy Harold-Carol Steinke 7/1 6 i nt . 7/1 6 i nt . 2/16 i nt . I CISTAICTS ..? /:; Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - . -__ SALE PRICE ---5.2. 1021<)' Harry A. Shaffer et ux :. ;;~IIP'" P;T~'IIL ~Ft Y...2. !!!/-.g:;~7 fA LJ_ ./ --c.-. oJl~ J1A. "" o? ~_.L'.L L!~I 7- 3 j CLASS FOREST --~ I . I I 1;1 3~1:;; l\CW ~~~ --- ~i0'ktt2 &i=='='=='=~ /) ~:&" ~5.9"?1_ I . .#, ' ~~ I-,-I---I,~ -'// .-':':>07 / _ __ _'__'_._____ I _~__m_I_;_i___!-1 , I " I ----I---I-I-i-j I i - -1-,-,---1-1 -i I -I-I-!-:==I-' II I I. : I ' I. I -i-I-I-,-(-I -~--~----------------------------------------------------------------------------~~----- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS 7. 77 Year Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber I Ur,lmproved I Improved I(~~~rdel~~~)b ~AfUEE. ..JC,.J. 1.3 &,U I I Yo . I~O I , 1_e?2a_1 I &:?;?cJ - I 1 ,3~o , ! S.J ,2z ,~ J4- (-i, I~L.DO , I I I "" " .,. I -~ I _, _:'-=--=--~L__ __ I I - - , --I-.L.;;, ;c_.LO ,vQ..._ . ,.jo ,. . .' !_~L-------.!._"- , --I I , , , L'. -,0 ___ 1 .. _..~ : /. ~ , ,hi7!.; 7 I I I ; ~,I",) ,-. i i~~1 i~-I 3&, () (. i---- I , ! :-U' " ,,--1..") 1:330 ! ',/ - ) i -_.,-- --'- ---, ~: ~ ..kK /- 'h i - - :.':!/ ' 'f'p, _I #-J.,";< 7':...1_1 "; <~; I :?-Ir;~ I - [~;()l' , <_J_- I~~".C.. 3 &. _?-~ .,. :: -' '~;. '1/ 2l. /- E. .! 137':-7' - 7 ~ C.Ld\l:i~. l' OKIGl:lT1 ,- .LJ.L.. -..... ac" J!YI , 7'~ , ;--_:_-- I , , I::--;~ -; , ,73 7..5 / r5/o ~G-'..'-::- .-oj 's; Ll- 78 =? -;... .) ~ .J ..3 (",SO LOT eLK. SEC. rWN. ROE. C~L-;-,-;-i ill' IU .'. ~J ~ ~,> ,. - ... I I I I I , I I I I I . . - - - . - - -. --- - I NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year j Oyder Timber I Unimproved Improved I TOTAL 1 Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvemenh I 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE -- ,.I ., .:~) yz.~7~ ~I <l7..:J7 ..;l7.J? /C 77ti /677,) e--. c-- ~. -'-.-. I i 1 , , ( ~- ... -1'-'--'-:-1- -1----- ---- -I--i--- --1- , ' ---- ______'- i ' ! 1----'-,-, , !, '-,-'- I ! i- -I-i-~---I-I ~i Ii: [=!=:=:==! ----~4IIr~---c-----------:~------------------------:-----------~----------:---~-------C~-~1IItr---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TI b U I did TOTAL 0 t T' b I u , d I' d Improvemenh B. of E. m er n mprove mprove ys er m er n rnprove mprove (Buildings) VALUE I .;2.0 ..5cJ I I ' I _: /00 _'____1 , , I--:-~I : /r':<S-! -- --,---' -,., I , 1 - --I ' c1 "',' , /,""/7 I -- : v", \--.:" No. C;2~0219( Harry A. Shaffer et ux ...t6'~1 ,1].31"7 1'4"Y/, -' f/.' ..<<h~ _ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO -~I Year Oyster ~ ..51 5% ~ /. -L2i..2 JL 7; -/-L 7;;2 , fD a (,0 !Lt ;Z 7 ! ~2... ,bD I /:17 I /.;2 7 1-L..2-,Z. _ __ _: I <' .., . 1 rJ " i 1/,.,4/ ! DISTRICTS __-< / C Rd. Sch'_IPo"rtlpUDIFPD ~ . 2 :n~=11! 1 ~I-i L~il_IIL!.L-'-~I._; , I : I ,. , --I---,-'-'-i-l-' ,L.zL1 I I 1 --,-'--- I i I , ,(P.:;z.O! /.",- ,?~ : . !~ '" LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. . ! L.f..i1.lli.LLIJ , " ~ . .. '.' ;..,.....~ . > - / ~.;; -- / , -I !-~I . ~..- SALE PRICE .<.0 ,~ I /00 I /00 ~- /.~ ~ -- -/ ,.. d':-~ 130 //-5 J f J '" ~ Traet 7 Bgn .,t a pnt approximately 262.5' Sand 102.2' W of the interseetion of _,_'" " :"::..r:e _;:,' ::'~t 5 , 30-23-3, :md t:.e ., _':'ne _f t.h_ ~l~';-l"':'c Hiway, the same being a SW corner of land deeded to Vida Robinson Shaffer and of reeord Thn S 50. El 46' Thn due E to an "interseetion" with the W line of the Olympic I-liway Then retraeing this line back to the pnt of bgn Thn S 200 W 139' Thn S 200 E 150' more or less to ti'e W line of the Olw.mPic Hiway Thn Nly along this line tb the "inters.Jetion" previously deseribed cant 3/5ths of an aere more or less situated in the County of Mason 'I'raet 6 From a point where the K line of Lot 5, Sec 30, interseets the W line of the 01ympie Hiway; thenee Sly along tre W line of 01ympie Hiway 84.4' to a point of beginning; thence due W 53'; thenee S 350 w 142'; thenee due S 71'; thenee S 500 E 46'; thenee due E to the W line of Olympie Hiway; thenee Nly along said W line of 01ympie Hiway to the point of be~inning heretofore mentioned containing 213 of an aere, more or less. ~.~- -.- > ~...." .