HomeMy WebLinkAbout323300060000 Yll!Ir Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,.1(,- SALE: PRICEi Rd. Sch. Port PUD 'PD I ~ t.hrv - - %1 I 'k1 - L L L Ji. - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~--~~:~------~--=-_:_~~~~~--~--~-~-------=-~~~=~;~~._---~~=-~~~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~-~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlter Timber Unlmprovad Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber UnImproved Improvad Improvamantl B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE I I - I I LOT BLK. . ' --r--O' -l-r-J61Q.t:Q]QIQ} SEC. TWN. RGE. ,3.J4....$J$I() !QJO ,0 0 0 : , -.~"" ;." t"- ~_T 8 .. , ~ ..,~ -~..,-- * R/W in Lot 5 Tax 856, Exc. - 856-A Be Pt.Assessed w/Trs. 10-13, Incl. ."" ~......,'. State of Wash. Assessed with Tracts Yaar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPD _I - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-- - --- ..... - - - - - - - - - - ~". '" ..... .. ',' "..~ ._-, - .~-----~---:---=~~~-~~~~~=~~---=---------------------~-~------ ----- --- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Year Oyat.r Timber UnImproved Improvod TOTAL O)'ster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementl B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE I I I - , I -- , , LOT BlK. , SEC. TWN. RGE. . " It ~ SE ."'" >, ,$, " , ,-,.;-' ",~.t,:, "..... ,:.~-" ~~ .- * Pt. Lots 6-8,etc. Tax 1172-A ~ /5Cp 30 -.:l ~- 3 ""to 2/-;,23-3 - Assessed in Lilliwaup Falls See Tr. 1, Blks. 12 & 13, Lilliwaup Falls ~ e::,.:~~ '- , Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..3 /."" SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. Port PUD FPD _I ! - -s..g, 102'506 Harry A.Shaffer et 2 312 1 1 L i we &~~j1'l - M V",A,/ -f/., .J/~A./ ,;z ~1_LI.LI.b.1 ' I I ' I' I ~ 1----------- - I I I I I -~---.-:-:- , I , I ' -I-'-:-!--- , , i I -----,- I , , I ---- - ~'-I-----I , I , ' I _n~____I_1 ' ,I I I ---- j I I i I -!~I-,-'-!-i-I ! _1_,__'_'_1_1 I ,: ; I I I -,-1--:-1-1 1 ' I I' I I " I -----,- 1 i I ! 1 , I I : I 1 I ' I -,-I-l-~-I-I-I 1--- - ..:---- -,--------- ------------ ----------- ---- -.... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oylier Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber I UnImproved I Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,5-3 /. %7).1 #0 L/O 1 0G , ~-n ~ S-c.1 I 7 I I , /' I ~ , 1 I r--- I ._~--- I '- I ~ / 1 I > , 1 '- : I / ../,'i~__ : "-_. I , -- ~ I I I j , ----~ -.----- - I I 1 I 1 1--1 I 1 I , i -- , , I I , I , I -, , I 1 ! I , nl , ,--'__1 , , 1 ~ 1 I__j I I LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. AGE. , A .. " ~ '-~ ,.-,- oWJ.ng 'cl~scrtb';;dT~a"Ct: 1 that po;tlon or tot 'r. -Sec 30-23-3 which lies Ely of the Ely R!W line and S of a line running S 53005' E from a pt on the Ely, R!W line which is N 3505a' E along the Ely R!W line 120.7$ ft from the intersection of the S line of the N~ of Lot 5. in width, with the Ely R!W line. "~,.,.. --. - ~ ..--~-=--------- .,.,,------- ",--=---""'-~ .......,. ..,p:'... .;:, \ ~ DISTRICTS ...3 / .:r:' Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE --5.?. 1108?? Louis J. Imhof ~' ?:h~ p", :UT:'li i- It! 1i././;S-U7 4/, /'h"A ./" ......,.J~~ ~ L/~,I L J II L, /.')1 ,', =:L._ :.1.-,-1 I, ...f;Jf...l'h?o9!L -'-./;.<?~-' ~,L&.~ ," '-----1-'-'-1-' ..4Z_/9/J'ayj;),\"J ,:tl,i,r,~, h~.L..,__'__'_ /,;? 19~7;...!) I ,) I 00</ ~ /! 1, I I , P ~e.... _./ _I ----I- i .. ~ F _ _1_1____: 1 1 I ! I , ---,-' I I I 1-1-'-:- I 'i : -1--1--- I I ,i: ' I---i-,-l i '-I--:-:-! ~----'4Il~~--'---------------------------------------'---"---~-------------------~~~~~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I U I' Improvements! B. of E. Timber r.Jmproved mproved (Buildings) VALUE .20 I i I I I I , I -I Year Oyster 53 ,76-'< I .f.:;!f.2. .;zt... 1 I I -----1 /1<. Ifr J3~ #6.i'r ~-i--'~'-: TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OystlH ;<"0 I I I I I I I I I-~I ! I 1 0151 _ i ' A, /" ----fl...!..-I_____I I 1 I /;'"" ?, :z ,;)~ ---~---~- , i. , 'I i LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. AGE. , . ~ "'....... , /././; 7~ tt/"., /.:. Y:;;;J; '- '1'..", pp $902 ~~11 tl in ~:"ont ",+"" 10-: ~ ~~~ 3()-?~-3 i'!'1c'!.~.lrl~rl i~ lot 3 r..lock~20 r1n.t of Lilliwaup falls with fronta~e of .75 Ie mil .~--...". . ..". -,. ',-- --- ',' ~-'~---' ,,~~.,- , . " Yenr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Port PUO FPO _I - - - - - 55 155780 Ora L. Markham et we 2 12 1 ,.L ..1.. ~, ""- - t?t?O - 1/ -, 1:I~ .v v ./. ,:< Ktb'<.I / L .k. 12.'0,7-",-"I-/l ..!L,L 2- g '1 d I r:.L"J lid/A,"'''' 17, .- Y ('..-T r .-" '~?/': yi' ~ /.. ./ ..., , ~ ,~/ -_A .;? 75'~ ", , ..4- ,- -/0, 11 , .4- .~ f! ~ - - e-- - .h... '7 ", , '. - ~ /t/'76,7 1'17 A ^ .:;( ~.-tI:.-::"k^2IJ (/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ~ .. - .. .. . , . - -_mn. .......,..... - --...-.... . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Ollie, Tlmb.r Unimproved Improvtd TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Building.) VALUE 65' ./.5/ L. C, .30 30 - ~ --:::...... -.;;;:::l.. , ,- . I LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. " , -',-~-.,. .' n,.", . , ...n ,) , .....,-. , . .. ,~' Commencing at a pt which is S. 180 10' E. 59 ft. from M.C. common to Secs. 19 & 30, Twp 23-3, and at which pOint there is a car axle driven in the ground, and which point is the NEly corner of a tract of land now owned by the grantees; Thn S. 170 15' E. along the Ely line of said Tract, 94.40 ft, mil, to the SEly corner thereof; and at which point is a car axle driven in the ground; Thn N. 620 30' E. 286.70 ft, more or less, to the channel of Lilliwaup Creek and at which point there is a car axle driven; Thn NWly, following along said creek channel, 102.50 ft. mil to a point which is N. 620 30' E. 229.20 ft. from the pt of bgn, and at which pt is a driven car axle; Thn S. 620 30' W. 229.20 ft. to pt of bgn. .~ '. _J i w'_~ (P' ~.~ ./ '4..J ~4T'"",. :% awC4..v ..{ c;P~ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE 1782 Rd, S'h~po,tIPUOIFPOI 1 i 52 104511 Bert Davis 2 31 = 1 III L =1 (?/ ",,"t: -fLt 4;;'z;-- cP .frrl_O~~ / ,...-- #<~I_.LILL_: ! 1 I ' , - -I~-I--I-i-i- 1 ' , -'.--'-1--- ii' -----1- I ~ I I ------- 1 I ", -=1=1=,=,=:=1 I ' i : 1 I --'-1-1-'-1' I I I 1 I I , -1-1-'-'-'-1 1 , , I . 1 ' 1 I , ,--- ! I i 1--1-1-,-1 I I I _'_1___1 I I I I' ii, I t '---, ".-----------'-'---'--------------------------- --~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber U,lm"",d I Improved I,m"".m"" I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~~ Jje 60 I .J 7D Jf..J 0 : .55 /. <l1,j? ~ d'O 1 , .370 .t/OcJ I (.; j 1 I , I I , I I I I , ! I I ---~--, I , I I I I i , , --- ---- -- 1 , , , ! I I , I , I i -----, i I I -I , , I i --I I I I , I i I I I I , I I " , i ! I ! --, I i I i I , I LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. :l "'~- * V,71 ,- . ,1- pp 9015 ^.11 t1, in {''''''''It ,-,f t-,h"t "'0,..t;0'1 0f lot R ""'~ lO-?3-3 ly~,nO' ~ of Li.lli.wauD Avenue as shown on the plat &; bounded on the " by the N 1n of see 30 & on the S by the produced S ln of Helen St with frontage of 3.GGle mil .'- - -.- ~~--=--=---,------.~--------._-="""~-~.",,.----.......-...- ~ * Exc. Tax 953-A ;d' ~IPo;r; FP~ L 1=1 2..~I_I.LLi~!_' I I I I I ---,-t-,--- ---- -,-,-i-;-,---- I-:-i-,__'- -- ---~I=i=i===,=! , I , i I I -I-;---I-! --!-,-.--I I , i -'-1-1---1 I -1---1-- I' -!-I-i-,-,-- 1 I 1 I, i VALUATIONS Oyster Timber UnImproved I Improved I,m"",m.." (Building!) ~O I C, j I I 1 t 1 I I " , I I I i : Year File No. CONTRACT TO NAME of OWNER 21.92 ....x 101.99') Elizabeth -& /Yt?""PJ M. Robinson J../ LJ/' t/, I -I I I ~----'-"----~-------"'-,-----------------"'-"-"-, NUMBER OF ACRES Yellr Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL 53 &'1 /.?().I.. I I i I -I I I I 1___' I I DISTRICTS i J i I , , :-------~-- ----1-- 1 , I - : , , , .. I , I I ! I I I , I , I I I I I I I LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ,?:l _..J SALE PRICE jf ""/1/-"~/ 1'/"'" ~~.-- B. of E. VALUE <'/0 ,> LJc' el,l;" tax 105:8 ~ J:</uP~, /- '/- 3 ' .;<.; pp 10144 '1'h,! tl of' th,,! ?nr! c in f''''''nt of lots l,? ,~-3 "l,.,cl{ ? of' th,,! .,.,1 'l.t "f L; lliHaup Falls in see 3Q-23-3 with frontage of1.7 Ie mil -. - - . -. - -"-';":: a.-,"-- ~~; Year Oyster S3 f2b. ,7,5' L 7" ,jl. 2L LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. SALE PRICE ------------------------~-----,-,-----,---------------------~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES I, VALUATIONS Tim'" U,'m"",d Im.,,,,d TOTAL ~L O"~ 0 I Tim'" U,'m.,,,,d I'm""'d ,(:::~~~;~)" I ~A'~EO ~ .?- ",,'I I .;l >"" I i ,<) I I . , .., ...-r_ l~1 I -I ! i I I --~ , /.,;e)~ ! , _---- t I I -,--I I , i : / .;z.5?J i ,,'. ,- k-- '/ I /4/~ , /', ,.-,., , ------ I ! /c, RGE. ,."" '" ,," '!'<o" ,1. b, -r /" k 8935 All tl in front of that portion of lot 8 sec 30-23-3 included in lot 4 block 20 Lilli\vaup falls ,lith frontd.!l;e of .75 Ie mil ., ,,8'- ...-~-.:._~....- - ------O-".,-~.-.......~:.t'_>ot'l(~ Year I File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO _ DISTRI_~TS ~-?/.~ Rd. ~ Port ~~-l-i 2 312 1 1 L I ~ -- - I I .;? ~ .L.L!LI_! I i SALE PRICE ~ 88650 Velma Sharpe Hedrick I ' -- - ~I-I-----I -:--:--!-I ! ,: 'I -:-;-i-Y,-I-I -[-,----,- I 1 I. I -1-j=I=:=='- , I ' , I -:--:-,-:-- - ~, "..."-' -::.", ----, --- ---, n -_- - - --, c'" ,-", ~"" ,'- -, - ~'~:,' -'" -- -" -, - c' -, -", _:~ --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~ I i -I-!---'- Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Ur.lmproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE s:3.. f L :<./ b 1/ 7</ ~c? ~O, ~ , I / , I .{/ " I !--I )(': I I , I , 1 , , I I I , , , , '._-~- -, I I I , I I , I i I I -I . I , , I I I I I , I , I , I I . I I I ~o 3() 7""<.') !\/ / i 1 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ^ ...^~ * -~- /, , .' - ,~~~ ':"'"....,.._.. ,-",,-,. pp -901 ^11 tl j~.r_"~~ ~r thqt po~ti.n of lo~ A R_C 3n_?~-~ inC~lrlRrl in lntR 13,14,15,16 & 17 block 56 Lil1Liaup falls with frontage of 2.12 1e m/1 '.-- - - ,. ,dt.~ Ex. Tax 956-A -=-~