HomeMy WebLinkAbout323284300030 Year I File No. NAME of OWNER <;2 108<;?c R. W. King ..u.. JI/~" l,~ ~ '^IJ.3?? ,,a,., ~ - 1L J.2.L.lli1 38436 3 i Year OYI\or SJ 67 kL ~ .dJ- .h;- 10> .li/- .2'.. .1L '1/ U. +l zL. 7" -rOT SEC. " CONTRACT TO 1-':..u A (') '-1l10 J-1/J,'7() Vi rgi I .5:n 5. i'rV , DISTRICTS ,;; t ."3 Rd. Sch. Port !PUD FPD I t' -----1- 2 20 ..Q.l_lL. SF I .2t/j3.J22.i_Lb.JL: & L~..Q.,.]'J.a'".b.iLl G,....limm C!!lfn ei....lLt_J,Jessie' D,' I ,. I SALE PRICE' N/Otl'!" $44000 I I I , 1 1 I I I , I I .. __ '.;~..:~~ _______ 'nn 'n_' NUMBER OF ACRES Tlmh" UOI:':J Imp,,,,d .l." 001 .;{ (), .r1J i !..<O,&-z) : I I " " I -1-'-1-1-1-:-1 . 'I 1-1-1-'--1 -1-:-[--,- 1 , I --I , , I I i I-i- , . I !' I -;-i-,-I , ---------------------------~----------- - ."---- TOTAL Oyster ~.)-o .;{ S- ob o;A.5:~ ;JS: o-U -:._ -t",/. , ! I - I I , i I I I I ," ' I I I r BLK. TWN. ,/ " /:..} TImber VALUATIONS U I d I' d Improvements B. of E. n mprove mprove (Bulldings) VALUE /.F {) . I /Yo i I , .2Crv I ,,;;>.s-'-1 ' 7Ls-c , 1~~:.;w~:~51hsts- , :' :j .:.~: ,,c s-11 ,.;, " I /" / '-. .. "'7/./ - /....... 'l/~ ,0::;,.1,1 0?'~ 1_7.' /"/'" "Ou I .",: '! .2/:..-1,,;7/-::0 i ' i: ! ;j:-) _ - , /.ro /90 ~,/;/ (J / , 6 _I ,- I - -- I .1 / .f' I /~7J 0', I~,-;z,.;) I /' ~c< ..</1; l~ U l~ /.? :5" /-<;1 7/) 1/ .,5,? ,/", '0 ,_ - I ;.!0 jt) 4'r:n . '/ ~gt I. 5((; "r_-2.. -~., I. I: J(J/.'),"i I;~~-J'J ~~'Ja ::4,I~'~; ~~-~ ,...-.~ ------ OPEN SPACE AGRICULTURE FOReST. . mill! l"Y: I{l3 . 0..0, (; ",,_, 9J .""_ ,I RGE. I" "c /j.~ q .~ ~.__..-'~ .-'111.. _ --C~."'.'.~'l'...,...,.... .-..-.........- -_. ~ ',1 Land in Lot 5 and SW of sEt See 28. Twp 23 N. R3 W, WM contain 25 acres. Commencing at the t stake between See 28 and 33, Twp 23 N, R3 WWM and running in a NEly direction to a point 5 rods E of where a certain stream of water flows farthest to the E.; Thn in a straight li~e in a NWlyfd1rection to a fir tree 18 in. in dia. standing near the U.S. Govt survey meander line of Dswatt Bay, contain 25 acres. more or less. ;?"'~~1i boundary line between R. N. King property and School District #403 property. Commencing at the ~ corner common to sections 23 & 33; thence N 29<>:32'41" E 1517.29' to S line of Govt Lot 5 and I.P. of common boundary line; thence N 29032'42." E 91.58' (said point being 5 roads E of where a certain stream of water flows farthest to the E as said call appears in the deeds to School District and R. W. King); thence N 8"15'44" E 851.41', (said point being thp. point of a fir tree 18" in diameter standing near the United States Government meander line of Dewatto Bay); thence continue N 8015 '44" E 92', more or less, to Nly line of said Govt Lot 5 and terminus of said common boundary line. . .'. -........-.It..-__ -~ -. - .. a, _ -~.~'" I I I I I I I ,:---~ .~ '~~MBER OF ACRES ~-'... -...".:.. ...........'~. ., - - " - ' , Y... \ o,,,u I , VALUATIONS " J'O Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimprond Improv.d Improvemenh B. of E. - (auildin9~1 VALUE '1~ ~4, (C ,- /,( , ..:J <. CI ~qf,CD ;J~.:C ::..; 4,;;;/".., 1Cf -~[) /7()cJ C) <lCJSO ;:< 3<1 SO S'j -,,j ,'" l "1 , ,,-J ,j "~- - I. ,: ;.,;. " lJ'~" i:', ; " ;23'i~ u ...L" , ~ 1 NhL' 1>" 3";'.' , t/1~() '1/ /9, (.", "0 ;2 ~,oo .:.. f....1t d ' .. ,lIDO .'/ S-o If1. I; '- r / ( It-SO; 'bh7()D 71.5'6 l/tJ t,.5'O " +, ,'.1.'( , 1 g:v /'i' 0.'.1 t..O;' ~:._-.:;d '-".',. '.f' I &'fw /"':/t.)CJ 7/5'0 .;///30 if? ' .,"'" '/::JtJCJO 1 J t;'oc 7/ So Ilob!:U C .. ,- g"J 1'1.1' c, -" ,t::I~'''J ~ "',,- _.'...J ~~1~ //5"C1('J 715'0 .:'I.:?'IS- , . D , N /.Ii" , '- ( 'I;((JO 6 //5.-0(j ,"/.$;'O !,/C,{.f::'u gr; f If, v;t:./r liS,", ' / r"c; .::< IJl.b-- , ~5 .J. ill" J ,+ ) ~ L{)() ",/)u , Sv 7){) , ts jCI ')U 5- v'.'.'------ ,;:5,00 f ('-L .;) 575 /I~OO 7/50 :JI';).;,,)5 " ,+-'" /,.,,/,; ;.) , ,,'i I ,I I