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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .?~_I. (.. SALE PRICE' -Rd. ~ Port PUO FPO _!_I ---52.. 11826'3 R. ~:I . Kinp; et UX 2 20 ..Q.2...._~ISF~ _Ua. d.~J2..3._:.b.! ;7'1 /9) Cr. ~ /6 ~. 2.fJ1) __ ..8./ L ~ lL1..3.,.R.;.L'iLl 7Z2:.. ;;:J.3 'i? , RES' 'j 1 i? / ~3lD I~I/.:{ 1-;) , 7~ I ;;l03:?71? RCW 64.33 I 777 ' -) l\;"J- ~f1~ ",-r;: - -1-1 1-:-'-'- .;t ~:;!.'11-7 33055,1.. f(',< : ULC1! mlfc,v ' _1_ Q (;,/') ()(;O o V I I , -- --i-I----I-I I ---1-1-1--1-1 I 1-1-:-:-,-:-1 1----\- -1-:-1_,___ , I 1--1-'-1 I ' I ; i I --1--'--: I Ii: I n -4IIl--------------------------------------------:--------------------------------~f~----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber U . I Im"",m,," I B, ,f E, ",m"",' 1m,,,,,, (8,lldlo..) VALUE .:.'"3- Jfo <It) .:zoO! /0----0. ,3'>'0 .33 .,,2 00 i /1'0 I d %0 i;l, 3Y:1 ./.t? t? frJ () h , :/YS;~_:L.fO ,-f"RS il I ..yo. t1 t7 1 I' '1'7.N/ . /0'"' I ,300 . 60 j /6'0 l'b80 k .39. tH> i I "'~ _ tJv ' , /.~ j 300_, bO I .;<~O . 6/0 ~ 7<1.trOl /,~ Ifa.,/H> I i (("tp?) I ,50 I ~6(]) I 9/0 (.J; I . -j I I ~ _' .,': ,/ K'1 ~::-::-~ ~ 1,;:' ! ,) L~ J L? I -I I "7','! (:.:1 / ;:; '.-- 7st') Jd... I I ~1/7-?1 1/) I /: ~ -::'.7::>'- - - /-./ ,??! 01,:J ~.,. , ./:.; /~ -- ~ 7.- n _ 101 ;7/ _ /,,/ I ;'0 ,':'?lSOI fL..::; I ' '7G,q~ , -- C7'\ ,6 , L / ~ ~ -" ./-, <1 ,) ~ ","; - , 71 - ..- ;:<& ""'il) r' .,.,2" ;f ..yo .2.i. I" ('".~ ~&/PO ( I".,? '.jJ .. , , n. 7I,~ 0 /.cttJ ']' .) II (, i/) I r. ~a,' ) f((;7.(" J" ' . 1~~ 0/ ",1 ' . ' . ., LOT BLK. ~Iilll 2:IAI 7..10 10 lfJiOl6fci} , SEC. TWN. ROE. CLASS. FORES'4' , N~ ~ -.----.----..- - , .. ., - ::.~_.~.- . - -- ..--....~ . u "'1.:1 1)1 V/ . /1 ..A __" ~-~ I 1-:-- I I I I I I I .. I VALUATIONS .--.... .,;;; /-.:3.3 NUMBER OF ACRES Yur Oyster nmb.r UnImproved Improved TOTAL Cyst., TImber Unlmpro....d Improved Imrovlmutl ..ot E. ( ulldln9'1 VALUE 73 7!. V C ?!J ; ......'1 ' Pt''l.' . /,y.r / _~ // '1 19 _-: r~ , . ]/ /":'J 7'-1 <-~c1 /r:; -". ~ ~~/ -,. ~ - ~f_: I 7; v. -.;r;; 1<':;.. 77., , /~ ;.. .J. , ';Jf) (- ., , , - "=J f' - 1'1 -'i / I,"; ., .' ~ I /. L , . 7" -. , .1,/ "-/ . ..' . I (" ,- - , .- - -/. 7" . " 1" " //.5 _...~ .: ) , , ')J cw s paBBS2' .:-'?(.,- / - - '';-" - C?3 1-./9(', /,,/ -~- .") t<f ?';;Ss k" .!:" S- 75 1; 'I -" '7 u,' Iri'f :: ,,~I