HomeMy WebLinkAbout323214100010 , ~ File No I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO I Rd, DISTRICTS r7,'-c" SALE PRICE 5c;h. I Porf ?UDI.ll.2..J-' 69 Virdnia C. DeBard D.H.Knudsen 2 03 D a I L I HI #201~~ R~tatte I 0/71 264470 - $22000 3/81 388543 Donald H. Knudsen et ux CMaroi ) " " " %2 dfni t/ 0 5,/1, /I. /! I,L I- g, If " r, J'/ </0, tJ 3 /I L If cd 7J'.Y'39 If... ..f} I -">t, 7;j" '1:<'1fr?? fl i! L Y1d;l.dD-t- LJ/)f If ) {~ / 'fo3 j) .:3 J~ L fI <<lo 'I tI I I -, ~ - I I " . ' NUM'BER ~F ACRES , , n " _..- - ;, , , u I I I VALUATIONS b. ,f r? Year I Oyster Timber I Unimproved I Improved I TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 50;;' '- 7/ -'I. 'i/r-> t4'. 5. (. ,-,; L~(,IJ ?~,,() 7,1 1/00 '/r, /7/,;) 1'1 /7/di? 2L ~ :"5,': '\ ~ I, .. 7" , . I _ ~ L/ 1/-;' Iq ...:j-;C,S ...s:"S' c"D ,,),,/.5">7) .:2.&'.5.50 S;l, L/lf7 tc .5. c (;' 51.S ,) It,2",-5' _-7( C,2 .5' -- I 1- t 1 I LOT BLK. . . SEC. TWN. RGE. l.m.r3 It... IJ,j:():O:O: J \01 ",,,,,,22 T~act 1 of Govt Lot _?_&J,a-AU ~B ([7.:,' - , - -, ~~ r''' Commencing at the ~ corner between sections 21 & 22; thence S 2001' 12" W 864.26' along the section line to LP. marked by a rebar; thence N 84058'18" W 952.69' to a rehhr on the shore of Hood Canal; thence SWly along the line of high tide approximately 300' to a rebar which is S 20026'03" W 292.28' from the point previously described; thence S 879.13'03" E 1044.92' to a rebar on the section line between sections 21 & 22; thence N 02001'12" E 232.13' to I.F. ._,--~~,. ~, ------ -'.._-- .- . . ~. ,~.,:27..1 / //J