HomeMy WebLinkAbout323201390047 ~ ~ I - .---=:3~ld~ I, r--, ! y.~-l -file No --\------'-.------ NAME of OWNER --1-. - CONTRACT TO ~_____DIS!R.ICTS 3// Rd. 15eh. Port PUO I fPD 55 15,282.L~heste~yarrOII SL/6U J_~2~04 -___-'-117: L, H, 11/8~~4~~~l___,__~nald H. Knud en et x ~fgJlL'iJ I 1 1_' ~~l-LI- 1-_ l -~---~::- ~. It I . ___I- __,___.m ..____m. --1---- --- ~.." . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I TOTAL I I Unimproved Timber U . .. I Improyernenh I nlmproV Improved (BuildinQi) ~:~~-:~ '2-.t,S" 0 t I Improved Oyder TImber lL_____ S5 g~ .;$ ./S , IS- ./~ d'j [. ~ lIt.. '-1--- ---.-- --,----1-----'- --'--------- .--- -----1-- ,----.- -'-- _n______ LOT SEC. , I mZ.;3 :2.:0.f ~3 ~'1 /; ce';<{ I 7t Tract 4-G of Govt Lot 2 & Tax 854 C-7-1 BlK. TWN. RGE. " 20 23 3 SA.lE PRICE #70912 B. of E. VAlue ....."'3::;s-o.:.:..-~ ,,) "J '1 $'5 :z C,.sO _.2~t?:/-;:. (Tract C of Short Plat #1084 Revised) Taht ptn of Govt Lt 2, 20-23-3W.W,M" lying Ely of U,S. Rte 101 and Sly of the fol lowing described line: Beg i nn I ng at the NW corner of sd Govt L t 2; th N 880 52' 41" E a 1 g its N I I ne 170,29'; th S 770 47' 24" E 392,57' to the Ely margin of sd U.S, Rte 101; th S 390 56' 10" W alg sd margin 592,69' to TPOB; th S 230 57' 21" E 10' +- to the. Ely I ine of sd Govt Lt 2 and the terminus of sd line; ALSO, al I tidelands of the 2nd cl as defined by Chapter 255 of Session Laws 1927, formerly owned by the State of Washington, ifo, adj to or abutt upon the above described land, u. .- I',' - '~-~ -'I ~ I