HomeMy WebLinkAbout323174300100 _DISTRICTS ,.:<'/ / Rd. Seh. Port .!:.~..~..lFPD I_I i Hathaway et ux 2 '312 -1....._I.&..FF~ " ., ;e,d';" I ~"J'+ .:l ~_..L_L, " ! 1.6<100 Id -I'u~,~J ___I_! I Q~/6C;d,~/.r?"J I ./ tf).. 7. Ii ~ !J<??/2C <!;,,,t;f'.<-f;,/-t./'~ 7; ~~-.Llai..L:1LI;o- _ L.<;t-"7/'o~,//~ ~ ~. (VA ~ ~/J ,'1/ (rEb--L:il:..L!fL ''/-sa~d-:OC> Y9/.i;:./~7'oc. ../L/ ./h~A ,~..... ' ~ / ~dJ/}7)V Ii! !~.. ~')~;;p '(f (/1' / 1/ ---I-ni-i I ---;-:-! I Iii -~I=='-:-:-: 1]====I=i i ---I--i-I-I -----4IIr~~~~~---------------------------------------------------------~------------~~~,---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 6. .Po TImber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE Year \ File No. I NAME of OWNER S2 111069 Harley B. _~/ <I" ~ /5/,.;/.5''1: Year Oyster TImber Unimproved .S-3. K,' "J(~ 57 I.,$,if I}Cj a-rl ~o /,7(,).tY> M /.7();t,. ~ !d 1'1/ ,? /1. Ii) /'1/0 I 13./01 1.3,/0 I I I 2L 2L I If :/'r . 7; 'lit fi /;': I ' <~?/6 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. CONTRACT TO Improved TOTAL Oydcr / /~//O j/)() / ~/ /e -)" t7 --.LO .b,Tt?, 1 _LQ..,___I ; Iv,y-z; / ~ /0 c:::;- j,H) /~/O L::. . ",--,-,"" ,) 5 '. . / 0< ,,; /r/. /,7 1M;';' .;>.:'i,) I<!/{) l2.':"'~_'_3-~ " 7' C( 3' 0 . 0 j ~Q 101 SALE PRICE ..2:lo 139l'!({, 10 d/)O 6// lLU'~it-+,O .-:< ~tJ 15 ~ 1L82'6 I /d '?G? ,;,IOI..Lito i /390i2UQ.- tj? 0 .JL<1.tJ 11i2a..' ;1.036 ~o //ful 139?11..:i~.;l.C> 4LtJ //90 /niJ 3/';;;"0 .5::J / .y5lc' ;;::. ,"'.9 /J/) -~7Q ";;;:'';'Od',;!,.-,",) ~91o ? " {J 11/1 {) /j 750 qa;:,} - /. /J ".' 1 .-z -7;; : /. =:~ /"):)('0 9~~)~/'I':'o _. /., r /"'~ ~ jiJ ' -' " ~ __ ti..~.. . . -'-I i /.J ~ I"~ I', " C 5( tgo ,;!;;J.S'oo N.5;?o '/</1.1'Jf) .;::+ <I<./I..I?r7 Bgn at a point on meander meander oorner between S Thn N 44030' E 310..6 f , Thn in NWly direotio 1.726 ft, more or less. to the NW corner of Lot 3, Seo 17. Twp 23 N of R3 W, WK; Thn S on W line 1024.8 ft. Thn in SEly direction 1173 ft. more or less to pl of bgn, contain 19.56 acres, more or less, and being in Lots 2 and 3, See 17. Twp 23 and subject to R of W of Olympic Hy, together with tidelands lying in front of said land. Tax 850, App 8117 All tl of the 2nd c in front of the following uplands In front of the SW! of Lot 2, Sec. 17-23-3, with front of 12.23 lc mil In front of Lot 3, Sec. 17-23-3 with front of 5.47 lc mil The two desc together have a total front of 17.70 lc mil measured along the ml according to the file Sub for R/w for St Rd which is N0440 30' E 90 ft'. from Twp 23 N, of R 3, Wl( run 1 J .~~ * Ex. Trs. 10 A & B R/W * Tax 850 Ex. Pt. Assessed with Trs. 2,4-5, 9 & 10 A & B