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y", FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;.....s-:L:, SALE PRICEJ Rd. So'. Port PUO FPO f- - <;2 86'110 Renus L. Bender 2 120 .JL ...3- - ..1.... Fl' ~Z\l 7fi.~ // '-42-- ~ "'.2...-,,?~ '21;,1. (11.," , f- 3b::r<3E~ -7.4f (}n~ . iRl lL JL " ~ J2... L -p" /J 1ildi~ ~ - % 375;71 " " N ~qUO - * 717J'7 o/n 3'1/~8), ..p.L d .d. pp,' . ..J" 2 If I 1<103 D .:2. L I If wn I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , .';. - - - ~-~~------------------------------------------------------------------- , . -... -~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS :<,76 V..r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved Improvllmentl B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE lS'3 .2i.7s .2.~7S- _5'J?~ <J.s- 0 57 k14/.6Xt' dt,?5 ./,<( -,,;.<;" ..y' cJO 5SG '75() ,:;< d-.J!. 7!? d-..i. 75" ~O I;). 70 /.;;;7,z]) // ... /,-,7.' /..,;-')( ,., ~ ;,i ~ <:J /I'~ " ~ ..; / tJ:J ~,.,.- . , -: ~ , 01" ._, .//.'" ;<.~ <-' , c/'.,.// J/ -- ,-.:{'~',~~ ~/; "'c I .- ",-; ,'(. _- /1"] 71 ~,~ .- ~3 17'7/20 ;?~/io '7:; lor, ''j "')~' /3;;; () I<:JO f~ r.. ;-- '19.'/,-1- /,},/ /;/--- ,< :2:"/';/0 /3 p~,J'- -: / ., d"?~'"'/'-'~') . 173 ?t..7Y /C /1. 9./ /1. 1/ 75"' 1/?7~':i It; J:S () " , 7// 1/, 7 - X?//} ~ ;} 3t, 9 ~ to,j' .? F :"'--.3.:.>~I_j r....., __ .-"...._i /) 7~ L./::;-~L/" 7' .:C' 5ft fj II. CjC1 , }1.o',J ~ 7C ?'~ .' , , ~OT .. BLtC"' SEC. TW/I. ROE. f3Tz.' 3' / :5J ," I lfJO 19. 1919! , c'" ,_.....~. -AOo.... .~. '--" .. -~-~. . 1 Lot 2 * . " . .. , ~- -"-=0 .~~~:;;t;;/~'J::;~'~~1' ~~L cy 7/ud~ cJ/~d\~ ~' .J'","" ).1'-';>3, 3 ~ ;;::4 d /7.5 f-td"J ~~~ I~~ '7 ,.,,;g/G: , '<:> /7";/_/. (Tract 4 of S.P,#2) All that ptn of G.L. 2, 15-23-3 W,W.M. lying Nly of EXCEPTING therefrom the N 322.00' as measured along TOGETHER with all T'. L. of the second class in front the above desc uplands. Ewall Creek, the E line of sd G.L. 2. of, adjacent to & abutting upon , ",,;e~-----~~--- ~--,. " Ex. Tr. 2 - 3- J - f.", ,~., ~'-'- --~-..._~ - ._-...~~. r .,,' i' . >' /, .Jj~? 1,<": - I '1' .' )/. ./', I / .-/' / ~~/~ t':./e..e I e/ V .../ (.-_ 0'-<,1 ~ ./ ..._ ( / t' " ;- \' " / j"- " " . ( /r. " -' ,-, } I .. I I I I I T I I I , - .- .. -L NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS ~,J" Yeaf I Oyster I TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved \ Improvements \ B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 11 --,-- -, /1. '1'/ 1/ 'iV (',,0 o.fS51~ EI :,~~~sli. f." /,' ?';"( 111./ 15 '1/; a .", . ..~' , 0 S'I '-~ ,,: 0 ..:- ~~ l'/ . I <:'1, 1,/ (,n - " ( L - i5 1.5i?oo I, 5 8 0 0 , - --.- f----- _. 1- --- ..--- -- I ~t-' I ------ ---- ~, ),-- - -. -- I 1==1 -- ----. --- --- ~-~ - ---- --.---- ----- ~---- - I r---, - --"- -- --- - ---, --- I I I ! ....L