HomeMy WebLinkAbout323142200050 ~r-~--r------'----~ME of OWNER ~~~; ~,rt ~-Ann.e_'LJ; M 2LE>2~94cQ._ 3h;J, 10/7/0 %;, %:<9~~~'31-~~.v /), .-4/l4f." ff2...i~~'19~,~,,-/l. &fAE'I' 7;;;:/c.,rA""'C U Ve~"'() I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~_-:<:' -., Rd. ~I!?!.L PUD 1..!f.Q....1_1 I I nA"~ I n H. Knlliis.eo.? IIY, n "I ,,,,' alvin J. & Lini:@ '-'-l8U 58' '. n -LIrI03 fJ ~ g -'=- !I SA.lE PRICE '( -'i~~_ $40000 ~-'77V~ (1'" ,qCO II " ( UiO.,:, " " '/ -:/,,'/ y ) sV! f---- .... " " , " , ' , , VALUATIONS ~. (;,6 Cl ~;t.. NUMBER OF ACRES I TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvement! (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE Timber Unimproved Improved rL_____ 71 1r. 10.49 10.49 /c".9'7 /~. ~ 3/.t,!'1"tJ 7n.a,k,. ,..;i'/~?D C.7,1. 57C1 /'i?,./.c t..7~(?o 3/1<'7'0 .s/~70,) ..c/o ~ 7S'tJ 0 71 _ "j:: ~. fL' ,II, __ ____Lo. ;'(7 IT;, t/ (I 4. I' /)/" ,'/. .1/~~() ,', ~/_-::-("io 1" IO,<FI t'.. U, /? ,,,-,..f~ -( C, iI 77tH L,( r', '( ( '1ni..l !a';/- VI, /(, <-rraJc {-' (lj, (. '::-=?:j /:,::=1.--- :.;? -"-- p IE' C <t) 1-------__, __~__ (,,,- " " ~iJ__ _____ fA 15.. '65 -. 7f7StJ 735- 7g 7S'C, 77S- If:7S'o 7g~ '7e1S{) 715" 7.f 7",'D 73~- USE /P.'1:"L,__ It', '11 .----+, 10,<19 7!7.s-0 77S- 7f 7 S- [; 7i?:::'- "f75:J '775 i LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RG" ~/I </;l. ;l~IO ,Or!> ,a. ,.Tr<Jl;;t 5 9f Govt...l.ots I . . ". CUi\;:';ZNT U~:: - OPEN SPAC" - AGRiCULTURE ...,. 7,,62 -r:.,; ~OREST , ' __ "MJ ~> ." ^i..2..Q, " " <Tract 4 of Survey Vol. [, pg 39) A ptn of Govt Lt I, Section [5, and a ptn of Govt Lot I, Section 14-23-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SW corner of sd Govt Lt I, Section 15, sd point being a concrete monument; th N 190 22' 18" E alg the W I ine of Tr I, 299.98' to a one-inch iron pipe; th N 300 04' 05" E alg the W i ine of Tr 2, 488.69' to a one=inch iron pipe; th N 510 4[' 2[" E alg the W I ine of Tr 3, 218.27' to a one-inch iron pipe and TPOB; th N 260 22' 28" E alg the W I ine of Tr 4, 482.30' to a one-inch iron pipe at the NW corner of Tr 4; th S 500 04' 45" E 600.06' to a f i ve-e i ghth inch rebar; th N 490 59' 42" E 300.02' to a five-eighth inch rebar; th N 000 56' 21" E 263.45' to a five=eighth inch rebar on the N I ine of Govt Lt I, SEction 14; th N 880 49' 30" E a[g the N I ine of Govt Lt I, Section [4, 563,76' to a two inch iron pipe at the common corner on the Eline between Govt Lt 4, Section [I & Govt Lot I, Section [4; th S 000 46' 38" W alg the Eline of Govt Lt I, Section 14, 494.23' to a five-eighth inch rebar on the Eline of Govt Lt I, Section 14; th S 890 3[' 18" W alg the S I ine of Tr 4, 789.65' to a five-eighth inch rebar; th S 880 57' 06" W alg the S I ine of Tr 4, 424.54' to a five-eighth inch rebar; th S 880 33' 09" W alg the S 1 ine of Tr 4 250.75' to TPOB. 'iAI'h 1""1t'~' - a' ------ .- - .Ill, t '.", <,~i,. ';" ' ., (J '. . -f -S'/'" ( -, ' " , :;' /Y/Y': ,