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Va.r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..3../1 SALE PRICE Rd, ISch. IPort IPUO~_ I 69 241666-8 Mrs. Margaret C. Supino LM.Alkire/f II 2 f1-04 1 L H 'lf1 bU<j, $2200 ..1715 /<4191'7 i-J.,,', J.. I~,-J. (1- ,-r-" ,-1-&" . " 'I / 1f7r. 3r9,;rr.7, oJ.., h7. /7})P. ~ d ..,.A -rfJ .J. """ ( 11 L I--f ~I ~ '"Zh /1,1-,' . 3/ / Iw"i / 17 L II c.e....c,-d..-SO.J:JS'fJ>--P,J. ? ~ 73/20 r~1 3997,% Ph~. ....ft,o, -J. 1,/.", / .4,{~ ) " /t.;'o-{) "'.... 7.;18'{t", '3S'p/ <' ,} '-"'0 }f5 11, /I-""-h.,,-,~ ' - <lV=,bcl;: - b/ ~ . 7 c/t' ' (>,0 ....A...,..u<.-L-+A. (%... tf'lJ'l57 ~;e,p ""'1"363,;) 1071" d'"~d~l p;~ (J . , . . , , v.., I 0,.... NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS nmber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL nmber Unimpro...ed Improved lmpt'o....m.nb I B. of E. (BulldlnQI) VALUE 111 ,~t/ "t/- .560 350 ,v ?c: < ' r',- /' A /J ?, ' .~ '/ 7/f ;:.O/;, /:/00 /~O "j; ..-?-::t-("',". - , -(----:J 17 ~ 11 7',) 7 /'- /~ , " " 157( ,.3,/ 3<1 { I-/(j n 11-/7 ") 1b /"i' 4'{) /..,<10 LOT ILK. , I I "z SEC. TWH. RGo. ~'Z..3.();J.I I l11J...Q L.O. I" .... ':\.~"'~'- " ~A.A",l)1:_Njt,Jle. _ . .. ~ -','--"".~ .__.,~ _,;...,.:......_.-....-....;,-..._.__c.... ._..~~"\c:!":~.-#..,.._". r ~ That part of following description which lies outside Plat of Colony Surf #3. Beginning at the most Nly corner of Lot 12, Blk. 1; thence S 48a36'04" W along NWly line of Lot 12,40'; thence N 41023'56- W 65' to LP.; trence N 48036'04" E 75'; thence S 410113'56" E 290'; thence S 48036'04" W 75'; thence N 41023'56" W 290' to LP. , ~ -LLuu_UA a- fol/27 .hL .~.'.- e- .v , c... (" 'r -" .:t / /:J,;-' J ) /P"2.. S 'v,~- 1 :J ..~