HomeMy WebLinkAbout323091100020 Y.., RI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS " /1 SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. I Port i PUD t fPD I , I 69 240630 Wm. E.Hedlltnd et ux & K.K.Patt Dn et ux 2 04 1 L H :iri5 7~ ;l. /.1,4 I /7 L U ,1I44L4T- 7..Lli ")07774 " " " " " " $1000 I/7R ")4")44") " SJ {TO f( I I{o~ I J7 I Ff f57204 " " " " " $ 000 -- -.' , - ,- --.' , ,", I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.., 0_ Timber Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL Oyd... Timber UnImproved Improved lmprovem.nts B. of E. (Bulldln9s) VALUE lex , /0 , /(1 /010 /-',) ,?q (>-:;"'.1 0"'",,0 7'0 -'i' ;, //,:,; "7uO 7t/ 'M,,'/~ PC,") ~/;r"') 1h J'.... -~-. ~ {~ 11 ,It. ,It, f:?/"J ,f.8c )(1 J(3/l gSr1 ,15 f. </n ~ yO LOT ILK. f !1lz.;! . 0 ct ./ SEC, TWN. RGE. I () () 0 2,0.. ! ., "- '~, ..t..'ic" --""",., ~,,,,. ',""",- " ~~,':.t..{!-'r' - 1"-' -&.". ',,"-. W ...........--.;. , ....'_.,~.~ .~. ~~r. ","' That part of NE NE included within the following description: Beginning at the NE Corner of Govt Lot 4; thence S 21056'02" E along E line of Lot 4, Block 1, Colony Surf, Div. No.3, 3.34' to I.P.; thence S 60036'42" E 109.73'; thence S 29023'18" W 45'; thence N 60036'42" W 137.83' to S line fo said Lot 4; thence N 84053'13" E along said S line 55.04' to SE corner of said Lot 4; thence N 21056'02" W along the E line of said Lot 4 22.12' to I.P. ADD: By QeD #302724 the fol lowing description: Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 4, Blk I, Div 3 of Colony Surf; th S 210 56' 02" E a I g the Eli ne of sd Lot 4, 3.34'; th S 600 36' 42" E 109.73'; th N I y 45' to a po i nt on a line paral lei to the Ely extension of the N I ine of sd Lt 4, th Wly alg sd extension of the N I ine of Lt 4 to POB; being a tract of land in the NE NE 9-23-3W.W.M. (5E& SC, #/ZS-S';) '. ~- --- ---.,.- .