HomeMy WebLinkAbout323032190012 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO 19;(13% 52 106011 Riohard Sohauf1er at ux I.? ~-?;.,;;/::; -;?"",(} O. fJ--.d J ~hiJ_.%70JJ:~ 70",4... a I){'f/. 1'+ ~ !iJ:L30QI'13;[nc" J:'..") U..[Jj- /7iJ .J ~ 391824 Rodnev W. C. Mau 1fY3 4/39$'2. &tfSif.l'nM..d-fiP If)/) ~ ~.' NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyalar Timber Unlmprovocl # ~ /;,Ll..y~ .-?1 .!f!l I /"hot: 51 'u; (;;0 /. '7;.1 Y ('? i.t .6:/- L ~ 2L 7/ 7.:7 7.;< .1i 7B ~..t.- '1 ,;?::; '9 LOT SEc. S'LK. TWN. RaE. . ?1 3 ....l ..._....--__...'_ Improv.d TOTAL' Unimproved Oyder Timber ~'~1 r? ,?9 yd ;;?,;;{ 9 ;1.2'1 j'd d' ;). '1 ;;;.;2 7' /0 I ' ~9' cJ.;J-r ..er ,;:7, ,.-z J- (., cJ .;;?,tcJ ,C r . /79 1.79 ~?~q I. 7v' '"7 _ /'0 ,,7 ,. .,.'J " ; ...~ '" I?'? ;).:;''1 Tr. [3f"2:i O'3j.L_tt.,P . 0 '._2.:. l-B oLGqyt ~9i: I ,&.T21x~3D_-B .,,?5... . "---- VALUATIONS . Improved SALE PRICE .' ~..--~~ Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlnga) ~ VALUE 10/-" /;z...70 /.o/tJ I/,?I/\ 5ldcJ 1/,6/<1 /,3/c7 .,f/o /0/0 /500 6iJ! 0 /cJ / t! drg 0 /. 7:";' /';</4' /'T-"~ 0...... ~/. , .....- -.' '.c r"J,...,..... /,)rc .-Jr.... -'.f '.) 'id-/ 171('. ~%;J{) 'lOu o<8'tltJ '}'o9o ~"'goo ic: /- '7- :7/. -',-- r......~:) /: .c'o J/. -"/::(../ ? .E-I : r ,,:, .;< I.(J -=-.- ?C7c) 3-';}!J i.~ (..":1 "c:T '3' tJ C ~=i'4j,1 C;..2 G 0 ../.- 9 "'~ (Tract B at Short Plat #491) A tract of land in'Govt Lot 1, Seo3, Twp, 23 N, R3 W, WM as follows: The W 579' as measured alg N & S I ines at tal lowing described property: Bgn at NW corner of said Govt Lot; Thn run S, along W line of said Govt Lot 1, 485 ft to the IP of following desor traot of land; Thn S, along W line of said Govt Lot 1, 115 ft. to pt thereon; Thn E to E line of said Govt Lot 1; Thn Nly along Ely line of said Govt Lot 1 to pt thereon due E of IP Thn W to IP except therefrom R of W for State Road No., 9 (Olympic Hy) TGW al I tfl at 2nd cl ita, adj to or abutt upon S 50' at above described total tract. -v::;'u 7"3 t, !J , / -",.-'d4" ~>~Jf-? &/z12H ~~. ,~~ Also: ' Con at" intersection of N line of S 268.5' of N 868.5' of Govt Lot 1 and Wly R/W line of Primary State Highway No.9; th W, along N line, 70', more or less, to intersection with center line of a creek; th in a SEly direction, along center line of said creek to intersection of center line with Wly R/W line of Primary State Highwa y No.9; th Nly, along Wly R/W line of said highway, 20', more or less, to I.P. .'~_. 0i.: TI),( J!j/-.<>I et ai: #413982 Ted Y H l!au Ernest Y H Mau j...-'--' j) , '-" k,A4 !- ~~ 'L i:_ t.-U ( v, 0 ,1 -lLL] +- 'fAlt, ;W'~ ;J ~1l .: ' ,}AL, .J-t II ( ....(0 Il. Cl J Z,. h'{ ~~.~ / . ~/(. , ~ ,..l\r" .-' " --""A' .... ---'~~',-- I~ 7 i~ 'i" ~~. ". , . /,1 :,~. ~ 1../:""" , ' /.'~"~ . l- .I!! / I 1 I . .. . - , -." I NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year I Oyder TImber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Order Timber Unlmproyed Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildingl) VALUE 74 /, "/t-' d..J 'I r7 . <: 1 S"0ro /-, f.' (~ L; "J ;;. 0 'It ~-- .' . ., /-::.~':"":'I" 19/.5/J .JC 1'1 . .7{./, / , / ' 2/:." , . r )-- I, :0';1 :::../ tj/ /If &_'7 CJ -' IHt.5CJ X5 .:u.,")O() -:'(;.~oc