HomeMy WebLinkAbout323023100010 NAME 01 OWNEIYY ?!J.., r. I......'L:2N;>i')? 52 10422t Anton Forest /fliJ.;;,.,51JIR O;f2M1./ ~ Y7'1 ~t.(.,~~5 ~ 1J.....i.UJV> I " , Y?1 .J(./oY/ /'/.7 C/.....,.'j///.J"cr?':;- I:'''', CONTRACT TO Y.., FII. No. OISTRICTS"';'S6" SALE PRice Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD 2 20 D 3 L Ff -- .;{ itd.JL 3 L -.f!.. J(f ...L~..J2..3...LLJL_o!!:.6f532- 3& L 'fi'?7Q a- /S I- )f fr--~ r---. ----------------------------------------------------------------~~>--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber .s3 ,3,J;()( 58 35:00 C,Zl I("K~ .. ;;'f).O'V /0. crt) &;; /, '/' ',' I; t.J .:;'/-(] iL' hi (;-1/ /" /1,!:.>~cJ :1S:0 b 3500 3.5: 0-1) /7. t.:,) , / ex/t? .a/C' "",2 /,~>; /7.-.' " /' 7/ I. I, 7V f,\, , ~.~ .' /f/-; 11i #' , .."' .J.. Ict 74/~' 7t; 1CJ - f7. .?U r;-r j'V \ 17 ,iZ' "#'~.J Unimproved Improvementa (Bulldlnga) B.ofE. VALUE Improved - ~o '-;1:5':/ 9'7ci "/7';-'" " , / . , ( /70 / r.. tJ /t.I;'? -</ ,:,- ~ (,{,o /;]< rl /,~ ;) () ~' -- c , 7-;":J /" -: /'-:, ,I.:: ... :- ~'_llJ .:-:.:': ?o tAJ..U i I.' /(, .I 17,50 '14,1,-/- 73110 G 7,...., I, r .'f/'I~S- t.V. f7~ 3t'7' ~':"'- 13(L c.- -;-- ,- ,"'" l'l,~/ ') 'I. 7i:l:1..-t._.t~ / 7/1-:,:-' I LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. f ----- - - - ._--~-~ ... ~ 3:-2. 302. 3/ 000 1...Q.. "'.,. 1 oj' l....r, j. ~...~~ l./:8fl li'~ .A :n '\ . . ~~"? .- CUR~=NT USE _ O?:N SPACE ~~L TURE , 4'. {, '9 , Bgn at SW corner of Lot 4; Thn E to SE corner of said Lot; Thn N along E line of said Lot about 60 rods to ridge where water runs N into the seoond stream; Thn along said ridge inWly direction to shore of Hoods Canal by a certain fir tree marked "line tree" known by both parties; this ridge running in Ely and Wly direotion is where the water breaks over in a Nly direction to second creek, said creek coming onto the beach just N of said fir tree marked "line tree" Thn in Sly direction along shore of Hoods Canal to pl of bgn. All in Lot 4, Sec 2, Twp 23, range 3 oontain 35 aores, more or less, Mason Co. , -v..... h _' . -- - _.........:::::: ---'---- ~-~----, ". " '\ ' . . I I I I I I I I I 1 . N UMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS .. ~,to Y..,r Oyster 1 TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Impr~'t.d Impro...m.nta I B. of E. (!1I11d;nfjls) VALUE 13 USE n~~i ;fI/~so 'If ",SO -------..- ><3 17. so 17.5'0 Co 7f 1~'7S- /.;:( 95- " '-'.... ,-~ 1,.1 -;' 7<f'::2S'C! 7 Y .:: ...:.7:~ .. /' -". C1/. 1315" /3/ .s-- I, ':;, 1 U I c,D I , ~ -L I' 7LI_ ::0 7<1",50 .' .~ {./ 1;,!"i6 I. 9.5 --,- f--,- " - /t:"\ ---- --- , -, I - -- __~~m_ -- ~.~--- --- e--- - 1,__- - -- -- -- --.-. ------- --- ---- -- - --- - ,==1 _4._ ----- ---- -,~- - --- --- -- - --- , ------ ! I I i