HomeMy WebLinkAbout322357500320 -;:;r-FII. No. -T---'._._.-~--~AME of OWNER 220604 2/7. 2,9.5823 ~:yerhaeuser Real Estate Co. /f"r 1-f,;{iZ-t CLASS. FOREST ~ ~;/-.> I----RCW- 81 JJ I 7~ ~5J.tI. IlmAAOU!M r.Q&M C;,f,!, 5 WV> ;/1~ 3>17C,'j"O ,7.. ,utntl:ln ,L A 3,!'7't1. {'> ' ' .2L~Q,2.ntllL~,Lawrence F. Schee I et a I i I" L) ~fJI.o3<;"1_!1 ';iff FJ?J'~5' __ Rd. 5ch. I P.,rt DISTRICTS 3.5"0 PUD I fPD I I I l:...j 6 L H I f I;;, LltL SALE PRice CONTRACT TO 1limbertides,Inc 2 1404 ~..L~ {!.4352 #42096 ~;.t n. \"M\O^ e-:A ,JAa., \ 1,0.' A v/"J,.J} 11., t5-j 1)( f () " ) I " ^ QQQ ",p7.?F;J,f ~ rl')f) ;ef/ 'tL !?'?3gS <0eLJ .' N-~~:~'~;CRES ,- . ---- ,,,,'I a'''.' I VALUATIONS .~. TImber I Unimprov.d Improved TOTAL I Oyst.r Timb.r Unimproved I Improved Improvlmlnts B. of E. (BuiJdin9s) VAlUe 75 5.09 5.09 ;!Vu" -;;,/j ,.I) '-:--'- ~ '7~ 1?:5' oCJ 0:;00 77 ;:J. '"~ ( .., ,,\,. ,. q/ ...5, () ! $.09 / to o~o /-;~ ,"1c>-;) it! , , " , , /~7S0 .-:-3.::::-0 ,::;.: / -, ~~) r' ~, g~ . ;2. 3000 5"g-" CJ :z. S' .foe; ---- 1-' r-- _n ; LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. @j2l2:3,.s.7.5 .().D; 3 iZl.Q1 "~-l/. 213" J ~ .I' ~/_J L~L 22 _ 3 l" """';~"'--'.~ - (Tract 32 o~ Survey Vol. 1, pgs 210-213, AP# 306666) That ptn of the NE SE & G.L.2, 35-22-3 W,W.M. daf: BEGINNING at the SE corner of sd G.L. 2; th S 89015'58" W, 43.25' to the TPOB: th N 89015'58" E along the S I ine of sd NE SE 230.75' more or less to the SW corner of Tract conveyed to Benjamin Watson, et ux, by instrument recorded under A.F.#329737; th N 1017'50" W 1209.73' more or less to the Sly right-of-way of State Rt. 106; th SW I Y a long sd right-of-way to a pnt wh I ch lies N 1017' 50" Waf the TPOB; th S 1017'50" E, 1156.51' more or less to the TPOB. .- -..,.--.... -----. - ---~.. .~-~-~ .~ ~ .:G" . b,a'7 -d ::""7'1-0 -?/ ,., ,,'" 1..1./ ~ / ...V rA '. 4:"1/" ~ ,/ r. /. '. cf,.1 (i .L . c_,~./ ,r'u.........-',,_--\.. d. ("'r~ a. .l-'~~ - 3' -Oy6.-:';L - ~ ....c'-(-~ (8:" '-'~"'~/