HomeMy WebLinkAbout322353200060 Y.ar FII. NOC! J t!.:(1:<.J.t / NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS __.:?i)D SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port !PU-O!FPD .LJ9r; ") -!--- ~ 17271 J.@l]le.,L. ~Hi 11; "'''' 2 <J&_~L-.h_ S'I L I/td. _1.k.....L.1L f--f -- I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ! ..... ... ..~ -~=-=--~~~~~....--~_...-=--~===----- ~ ==-="'" . ':- . ~-- ---:;- --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yu, O)'st.r TImber Unlmllroved Improved TOTAL O)'lt.' Timber I U,lm"",d Improved Improvemenh B.of E. (BuIldings) VALUE 6-j /, (/"y,k .;<f ,::?f -'/0 3S"tJ -j 57 () l.q 7<'0 1420 ;;ZO;;lO ft,Q /- I,.,/.. ~ "'c!!.. .:2Y .:2 ff ~ /9%fJ /9J'o .kL /.M,,~/' .;;l..,f ,;).p .:<,530 ':<'S-'3r. :f ~ ~ .3/i () 3/61"; :::g~4tJ ...:, ""',, 2fl ~- ~Rfo ~ pit:; 50/"" 2L // lJ"o rl'~ //1///J ~ I kJilUJ ~~D \3~O '60 10 .:!J..3..,,,,, #<10 ...;()J~ Pl. /,7'..;(. ~, .'3 .,~ A5.:J.O(:i 'IRs! (J QJi>oJ/o 2Z r( SkfJ 0 t,PS"o ~t5"o .EL 1,14 "...i. ~ .&3 . ,,~ /!1~ 114;()~-: ,- , 1'c: , \ IS'Ifs-o I~~-I /, r /6995'0 /" , f:5 /"1{" ,~ 3 b~ _,J ....', . /.. It- ( ,/?S/StJ " :J ~7 ;;:#- /ir..: ..~;.: (' ".;.' . LOT BLK. ~7-' z. 3-~3-iOoo~k-:-o' SEC. TWN. RGE. ", , v .. .. , ------- ~~:~.~.~~:-;: --'- 178'90~ - . . '..,' . ~ ~~'r....__ _ _'" .; , .."'..... _ _ " that port ion 0 e 0 o~irtg;df~~'fi!oE'ic(~t-;;~t -;;i land in Gov. Lot 4 .:nich lies ny of the Hly R/W line of Primary State Hiway #21 (N.:i.Lt.:ay) Commencing at the NE corner of Gov. Lot 4; thence S, alon~ the E line of Lot 4,612.54', more or less, to tre ~v corner of Lot 3; thence S 89050' W 290' to tre.5Aitial point of tr.e tract of land hereby described; thence S 89050' VI l('~'; thence N, parallel \:ith the E line of said Gov. Lot 4, to the Kly line of s~id Gov. Lot 4; thence Sly, alon~ the Nly line of s1id Got.'Lot 4, to a point thereon N and ~~rallel ~ith the E line of s~id Gov. Lot 4 from the point of be;!inning; trence S, parallel ';.ith the E line of Gov. Lot 4, to tre point of be~innine. ;.lso tide11nds. I c ..... ..'... - __ __ :_,.:,f -.