HomeMy WebLinkAbout322352100040 . _ __ DISTRIC~S _c?r:-f.--.t'-_ SALE PRiCE Rd. ~Ch. I Port I PUD I FPD i -r----,-,---_.-- #16192 ,- T.G.Pidduck,Jr 2 03 T t 3 8' LB___..,.t12500 __ "" ,.. J, - ~ -iI 1 .:,! #&>7<'{, Vk'_Ludl1.'l-M,'r., ~__ _____~I--i-/S6C('----_ b2-VJ/J .fL -1 "'~il T --1_jl Lt+=' f{: -- - ! : - - - -----~---ru- ----- 1-- I ------- -,--- r-- I i --1- --~--:-- ------- ----- 1 ' 1 -i------ :-- - - -----!-'----i-----'- - I, ' i I -- I'r--- ---- ---- , I ~- -- _ ---------- - ,_. --- I ~- ---+~- r - -- ----.-- -- '=+~~=- ~u ,-~--i ~--=- ". - I : -, I Improvements TOTAL I Oyster limboI' Unimproved Improved (Buildings) /" " ,;?-!... _1_ __ __ _ _ _.;?,L) I~.;:~)_ --f - -- -l~-~.~~~~ --:~--T--------r~--l-I~~-:-~-- ------ -~-'l- . _~Loo'-I /-.-7 _ ____ --f---c::~' - _f-___JJLL_L+=- =--' --.~ ___~_rL.____.__~_, I 1,--'-1~- ---- --- - /!cJ$C)__ /108, 0 __I~_ i I/v~;-~'_I--__ L::::?,' _ _ !:;'J :>f,.L.L-- _ -. Ptlt1~ _____ ~~".:JcJ.c1_ jj;. :, ,.' 'J : I .. ----t- - ----t- I 13 ;2 ,2 -~~5 .2 Jt:J- 0 0 ifDl ,.. Year File No. j CONTRACT TO I L NAME of OWNER 6q 242"111 Geo. D. Pattison et ux !h3...J. '0 w.ltZ, o/~ ~ ~j.i77JlA' .1.4/7 A~~ , f- ---- -- -- -- _u_ ____ ~. Year . NUMBER OF ACRES , d I I Urllmprove : Oyster Timber ImprovEd a:--- ---- _J___ 7,^ I -lLi--- -- j-- - 1-L__ __ zJd_. 1=. - --- 1f _ ~~ ' >:7, '''''',N'' T/2, 7't'iL. i:> 2','2-. d ~rm =" :n .= ~'T? ~ ~ 1;- ." ---- I I -l-- lOT / BlK. TWN, RGE. SEC./ , ~ _~;J:act A o;f /1C^vio .AJt:. . VALUATIONS B. of E. VALUE (~ :., . ..'OJ ~ .- ". . ~-';. .:..'~ :.....;'... >. , (), :""""- .-'" - ,.- '--~ Beginning at the meander corner common to fractional sections 35 & 26; thence S 89038'46" ' W along N line of Govt Lot 6, 174.67'; thence S 55048'30" E 130.06', more or less, to a point on the SEly line of said Govt Lot 6, S 42008110" W 100' from Govt meander il:orner; thence N 42008'10" E along SEly line of Govt Lot 6, 100' to said meander corner and J.P. ALSO: AI I that ptn of Govt Lt 5, 26-22-3W.WW.M.. daf: Beginning at a point N 890 40' 44" E 2168.981 from the SW corner of sd Section, (sd point being the meander corner co~mon to fractional Sections 35 & 26, sd twnshp & rge); th N 370 50' W 50' +- to the Sly r/w I ine of North Shore Co. Rd; th SWly alg the Sly r/w line of sd co rd to the S I ine of sd Govt Lt 5; th N 890 40' 44" E alg sd S I ine to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. ---- !12/;;t;J /C/7 55'--22- 3 77//2H 35'--22-3 -. ..--::....,.