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" DISTRICTS C'3~o Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd, "~~ i~ ~ ~1661i - 5' Al bert A. Schafer 2 .f 2- .....,,?" .'C 1 N/jq/ ItJ tJp -w ) n,,, , (P~ 2 ~H~~~ 1~1..L - ---.v5BbT;r-- 6/8 .../.... 0--( , %'/ j{ RobRrt ,I. r.lnc;p / C..J . ...L Wl_ #68928 - - - - - - - - - - - - ._- e-- - - - - - - -~. _.0--- - - - - I- - - ------ - - ----- - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - ~--_.- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -I -- . - -. -~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS (; .r,(, " - !-Y.. , Improvements B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (BLlilding5) VALUE t~ 3:J.o~ @., JJ. C; ;). 59,;; 00 /0/0 5/';/0 i":Lf.' Q _ IAi, ,3,,2 o~ e., -5< t9 c} /, f;:l 5 'I,;}, (,.0 73" ..;?,fO .5/.:10 &":/90_ I ?~ 3,;Lo ~, e 3-C;" .5; 1 ;;. ~C1 39to /53 0 1?7o_ lu ' ...7'\ 39'%0 ..!!...S30 _,f f)/J:_ II" ';'370 .f;?;,t>c ./1; 93 0 ILl. ~ % .??~tJ Aj~ ILP'~/tJ ~~ 9?-- <S/J Z5jJt'J '-'~.IJ I~ 50% /99~:u) L9'oo fY/?tJa. __ 71 ~/$2> :2/:1/0 ~~- 7/1 /4" /0, ,y.:l3otJ, 4V1S-Q /,.(7d~Q_ 71 ?t.#~ 9f1s<i1J ~ '1.A_~."" Ifh 5:9~ 4;': ~.:2 /7/. /~u:. ~2a 2h..!L Ii, .::."!..~;'( 17 YblS -'18<1 (,/S- j'/"J 5.9d... I .. .-/ " /,1 ':? R:-J '- .;( f'7:1. #-Q /7000c- ~b7?-~_ J lOT IlK. ~i. ?J,.3. <t. 3.0-.0. ~T,gJ SEC. TWN. R6E. . .. ,~,'iof_ G . T.A+. "'. &_' _I.A, ' " - . .' fl- """'-;'--1":'"-. - '"'7 - - ~.-. _.....".~"S"_.~.,_~-':l~-:."",-:'."...:_~< _~~:--... -'---'""-~:--',--;_, ;-'c..c; /1;'-", ~ '?!,1.J _"I~70 '.' ./ Beginning at a point ,,0' W of SE corner of GOyt Lot thence N to meander line of Hood Canal; thence in an following said meander line to a point directly N of S to LP. Also: W 14.70' of E "0' of GOyt Lot 2. ~_u .ftA. iI}W 2- thence W 165" , , Ely direction LP.; thence .,.,..:;