HomeMy WebLinkAbout322344300030 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..3.!.--0 SALE PRICE R; ;~' Port P~D ~ 11-1 52 11870' F]orence E. W'3.ndel -~-- ------1-- 5Y- 14199C Hettie D. Callow 2 404 1 ~1:..._! 5Y- 15Y-87E -7 Kathryn K. Krekow ..::. , ,,\, .g) ?I L ~4 ( ~ .L. .1L ~ )j''-''>-<>?I9-x.-J"/;#-'//d cLk~_/!"-u.I.dJ,", v(< ,,"ti~ if 93;'.;)3 'P/'?:?,S7 - - - - - - -~-~- ~t, 'Nf.:iC,O dMJ.-.du-.?7.:v.L---Nu,&/ pj a-f... 73";7;).4' - - - - -- l)eh I-- - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ----- - - - --1- - - - -1- - -- - ------- I - - -1- - - _._--- - - - - ,- - -I -- -. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS C, q?o") - .... , I Unimproved Improvements B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAl. Oy,tor Timber Improved {Buildings} VALUE 1)'1 :io- 7 /" 7'1'd. 7. ,L.:;l. ..Y'{i //;/0 9.30 d/!:>P_ 51- 3.& 7..i. I- .t/;;< /,00 7. ~.;( S'c 9YC' /60 ';13'-.) ~/SO ~ -- if 3,{, 7;(, i -;7, 7""";< 7, t/.;;. %tJ .,;;7"""60 930 3bo_ hr 3.& 7...Y, /. 1/:2 7. ~;( - .::2L/t<Q 93,,'133'70 ----r---- - ~/ :J.t,. 7./.. (i ~ </;J. 7. c./ d. ~ t;1C' -.1,;;< C> 0,.3 %.2. cJ_ '''I. ~, -:7 33t,~ /~4.~ u!LR6tJ5> _ ~? 0/"1"'1'0 ~o 59.f~_ ~ ,- RYht!) .3.00(L ..IL2~ _ /t>.W"O ~4.__ /ft.?c "'_ 11~ hi' - ,~- 9/;?'? ..?7~- ~ ~s.&>' /.?'.9/~ h~3.f.s- ~t,7k 7.Y~ 1"42 /5f' ?(;O 31'/70. /'/0 .z9.a 11.s t.. '/"J..- 1,0 u 17.'n~ 1<;,:( 17 CJ .3070(") 17-;J..??O \ , -- lOT BU(. 1312'2..' !~'"f-<'f.3'0 '0 '0 :3T.al ~_ SEC. TWH. RSE. < - 1 . _ Tract 3. of Gov:t Lot: ,:)"&~.,c~,__. ' ----- -~ --~...-, T~ __ ._~_ _.___.~__ .:. , ";'i'::'~.~,._ /;;7 Beginning at a point on the S line of GOyt Lot 2, 990' W of SE corner of said Govt lot 2; thence W on S line 110'; thence N parallel with W line of GOyt lot 2 to meancer line of Hood Canal; thence Ely along meander line to a point directly N of I.F.; thence S to I.P. A] so: 71-- -? W 56' of E 1220' of GOyt Lot 2 except the W 6' Also: ~o",1 L" -I .:- c:.J( That part of GOyt Lot 2 lying between the aboye described tracts. '.: ~ ;~, ;fJJV ~.>. if'i<(f.:LS-'" 4iCi-l 1..,.., .d-- a..P '. r!~ ~., .;)~'X""<7 .;.. ~dUl-<-n, A::AJ~ ?, ~,\ KtVJ 7, /\ ./te..-l?~ ,b&';;' kJ."^-.Q.,,...,., T, K~Y.' .0'" 1v ;('.e.k~'U 7"'. K~' ."r;,.", I( a...e.i~ <Z, y'J.;J'LL ,60;'0 . --'1.0;/ ';10 ,7f.,W kf7